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Abased Police Sergeant - by MercySlayer - Marquita stroked the Sergeant stripes on her uniform and hung it on the door. She had worked many long nights and weekends with the police force to finally earned her those stripes. (M/F, rp, v, police)
Abby's Profession - by MercySlayer - Abby hated the night shift. She worked hard to become a police officer and because she was just a rookie, generally worked nights. Abby felt good about being a police officer. That is, until one night when everything changed. (M+/F, FF, nc, v)
Abducting Lantia - by MercySlayer - Lanita pulled at her uniform from the heat. She had been on the police force for five years and was proud of the fact that she could still wear her rookie uniform. She liked her job, she liked the power her uniform gave her over others. (MF+/F, intr, bd, nc, policewoman) -
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African Spears - by J. David Likins - The trip to Africa had been truly amazing for Jodi Hayes and Melissa O'Bannon. Just a couple of years before the two friends had attended classes together at the University of Georgia and had shared an interest and a talent for wildlife photography. Everything was going wonderfully until one day... (M+/FF, intr, abduction, rp)
A Bride's Confession - by C.D.E. - A new groom finds out more about his new bride than he wants to know. (M+/F, preg, cuck)
A Close Friend's Gift of Massage - by Mannydcamp - A close friend gives you a free massage as your husband watches. (MF, voy)
A Dream - by Monika - She is his dream. He walks past her house every day and every day he thinks of stopping. A block before her house he slows, the thickening fantasy of her nearness making his legs heavy. (MF, fantasy)
Adventures in Baby-sitting - by Raiderboy - Melissa had just checked on the kids to make sure they were asleep. After all, the fifteen-year-old baby sitter didn't want her young charges to see her when she sat down to relax and watch her porn tape. (F-teen/b, ped, 1st)
Alfie Pommie Rapist Bastard - by Cindy - A true story, a sad one, if you want way out fantasy, look elsewhere, this is facts, Alfie, may you die slowly, painfully.... What would the world be like if the truth were really told? How many of these NC stories are based on anything close to truth? (MF, rp, v)
All My Regrets - by SSG - A mixture of real events and fantasies about what happened to me as a young girl. Parts one and two deal with my rape by a dog and then the dog's owner. (Mf, beast, 1st, voy) -
Part 2
A Messy Tale - by MercySlayer - Leah struggled to find a way to escape the men that were searching for her. She was terrified as she slid on the floor of the garage pushing herself underneath the car partially raised on the rack. Her breasts rose and fell with her rapid breathing as Leah tried to be quiet and remain still watching the pairs of booted feet searching for her... (M+/F, intr, v, rp)
Amy and Her Friend - by timjake - Voyeurism has been a weakness of mine for most of my life. Too much time watching windows and too little time studying cost me a scholarship and my college career. (MF, voy, reluc)
A Present from Tokyo - by Spoonbender - An American business woman has no luck while trying to conduct business in Tokyo and her bad mood makes things even worse -- for her. (M+/F, asian, v, nc, preg)
Ashley's Newly Found Fetish - by Beetlebum - Ashley discovers that her cousin is perverted enough to please her hungry obsession. (MF-teens, inc, oral)
Asiafuck - by Michael - Min Young-ju came to work for our small Phoenix based business just two months ago. She had an MBA in accounting and was willing to work for peanuts. My wife and I thought we were pretty lucky to get her. But we didn't know just how lucky we were. (MFF, FF, asian, voy, preg)
At The Movie Theater - by Kent - A married couple goes to a movie theater only to see a couple of very young girls making out in front of them. (FF-teens, voy)
Aussie Take Away - by Pacs - Wife brings home two young Australians to satisfy her needs knowing that her husband can't. He has to watch as she lustfully satisfies herself. (MMF, wife-sharing, voy)
A Vengeance Tale - by Cindy - Big guy catches child bride out, screwing a black guy in his house, on his bed, and things just get hotter, kinkier weirder, and a touch violence and vengeance. Something for everyone. (MF, rom, voy, nc, racial slurs, intr, wife-cheat, v)
Babysitting and Babymaking - by Doctor Dan - A guy babysits for the two little girls across the street and ends up fucking them. Through the course of the story he impregnates their mother and his own little sister as well. (M/f+, inc, ped, 1st, preg)
05/18/02 - Babysitting Kylie - by LitlGrrlLuvr - I started babysitting Kylie Johnson when she was 2 weeks old, I was 15. I'm 20 now and her 5th birthday is just around the corner. I've known the Johnson family as long as I can remember, and we've always been really close and they've always trusted me, no questions asked. Maybe they should have asked questions... (F/toddler, ped, 1st) -
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Barfly - by Michael - A guy walks into a bar and gets the surprise of his life when a woman old enough to be his mother offers him an opportunity he can't pass up. (MF, public, exh)
Bar Stop - by Kevin - As a couple waits in a bar for some friends, a stranger takes the wife right in front of her husband. (MF, voy, oral, wife, cuck)
Bedtime Surprise - by Mandy C - A young girl sleeps with her brother because she's mad at her mother. (mf-teens, inc, 1st)
Birthday Present From Mom - by Bones - A teenage boy gets a great birthday gift from his best friend's mom. (F/m-teen, 1st)
Bobby Gets What He Needs - by Bobby7in - Bobby acts out his secret fantasy to have sex with two men at once in an adult theatre. (M+/M, exh, oral, anal)
Body and Blood - by Lilly Rose - This is a story about vampire erotica. It basically involves a vampire taking his beautiful young victim on the altar of a cathedral. (MF, vampire)
Bondage In Public - by Anonymous Author - My girlfriend always seemed to enjoy seeing just how much she could getaway with doing some form of our bondage in public. Usually, I'm able to fast talk my way out of potentially embarrassing situations with Mundanes, but yesterday she very nearly got me fired. (MF, bond, S&M)
Brad's Birthday Surprise - by Terri Madison - Brad's boss told him to take off an hour early, since it was his 30th birthday. Looking forward to dinner with his wife Donna, he headed directly home. Perhaps, he mused, there would even be enough time before dinner to demonstrate to his wife that he was NOT over the hill. (MFF, husband-sharing)
Brothers Ball Best - by Ray Mills - An E-Novel: Shari Reynolds finds out who her real friends are. And one of her best friends turn out to be her brother. (M+/F, family, inc, orgy)
Buck and Jenny at the Beach - by Raiderboy - Two childhood friends who haven't seen each other for five years meet again as teenagers when their families share a summer beach house. (mf-teens, 1st, rom)
Candid Camera - by Ann Douglas - A college girl takes a night security job in a public building to earn extra money. All she has to do is watch the security cameras and report any untoward incidents she might see. But one night a very untoward incident took place while she was on duty, and she had no intention of reporting it. (FF, voy)
Candy Store, The - by Ann Douglas - A man reminisces about "The Candy Store," no not a confectioner. This candy store was something very special, a place where young men in the area sometimes went to lose their virginity. (F/M-teen, 1st)
Caught Red Handed - by DH Lawrence - Brother and sister go all the way one evening and end up in the worst situation of their lives. (mf-teens, inc, 1st, M/f, ped)
Caught - by Olwrench - A chance meeting in a wooded park with a surprise ending. (MF, rom, preg)
Child Stars - by Lover of teen Girls - Twin children of famous actor are given audition to appear in show with their dad. The show deals with a single father coping with the emerging sexuality of his teen children. (M/MF-teens, exh, inc, reluc)
Church Dance - by Spoonbender - I had to leave my last place as one of the bitches I'd knocked up had screamed blue murder and the cops were on my tail. So I grabbed my crack stash and high tailed it out of town. I'd seen a poster advertising a dance at a local hall down by the river and thought that'd be a good place to sell some gear while I got established. (M/FF-teens, intr, nc)
Cock Worship by a Chinese Hooker - by Winston James - I'm at the street corner hang-out of hookers near my hotel at this southern Chinese island capital city. The tiny woman's look who has caught my attention is like she's intrigued but a little cautious. I'm not sure if she's even a working girl. But no rational woman strolls here at this time of night. (MF, asian, whore)
Coming of Age - by Kevin Bender - Son becomes a girl for a time to please his mother. But after a while of this he decides on another way. A coming of age, family story. (MM, tg, cd, family, drugs)
Control - by Andy G. - A teenage boy completes a ritual and gains the power to control others. He uses his abilities to have great fun. (m/FF, nc, mc)
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Conversaion of an Indian Housewife - by Slutmaster - Debjani is an Indian housewife who is a bit too innocent for her own good. (FFM, ws, nc, bd) - Part 2
Converting Rachel - by MercySlayer - Rachel was married to a fundamentalist minister and a preacher's wife was expected to visit area churches. Rachel and John had been married for twenty years and the marriage produced four children, now grown and on their own. At forty-four, she felt she looked pretty good. And so did a group of men she'd never met before. (M+/F, bdsm, nc)
Danny and the Doggie - by Dale10 - I have to be careful, no doubt about it. There are those who think my educational methods with recalcitrant youths too hard and extreme. Some even call them perverse. So I put it too you. Judge for yourselves. (MMdom/m-teen, beast, ped, rp)
Daphne's Diary of Elegance and Decadence - by Daphne Bishop - Transvestite Daphne has a reunion with The Prof, the world's greatest dildo-maker. Kinky escapades ensue. Screamingly funny and wildly erotic in its own transgender way. (Mdom/cd, bond, rel, tg, spank, drugs)
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Dark Side of the Moon - by Beetlebum - 3:12 AM is all my eyes could make out emerging from the clock that sits on top of my desk. I swiftly put on a pair of pants and a shirt, and headed out, my destination? Heaven! (MF, rom, oral, mast, asian)
Deputy Duffy Goes To Puppy Heaven - by Deputy Duffy - A young Deputy stops a car with four teenaged women, who are desperate to get off the hook.A young Deputy stops a car with four teenaged women, who are desperate to get off the hook. (M/FFFF-teens, voy, orgy, nc)
Desk Clerk's Distraction - by Rajah Dodger - A deck clerk does the best he can to answer a customer's complaint. It's hard to concentrate with one of the house keepers teasing him out of sight, under the desk. (MF, mast)
Devil's Daughter - by Rocket Blast - A well written Vampira story with a unique twist. You know that big blue vain that is usually fairly prominent on an erect penis? Well, picture a unique way for a female vampire to suck blood from her victim, and you have the crux of this story. (MF, oral, vampire, religious imagery)
Digital Liar - by Blackzilla - It's been a year since the incident I am about to tell you took place. To this day I still haven't been able to forgive myself for being so stupid. It all started when I got my first home computer. (FF-lesbian, rape, v)
Encounter at the Movies - by LaffWithMe - On a visit to an adult theatre, I get my cocked rubbed, watch a woman show off then enjoy sex with a couple. (FFM, exh, voy)
Enolah & Mike - by Lady Seyton - A submissive's narcissistic passions give her master a new hold over her pleasure and pain. (MF, reluc, bdsm)
Enolah & Rob - by Lady Seyton - A man finally takes the upper hand with his girlfriend and forces her to be more agreeable to his desires. (MF, exh, reluc, orgasm denial)
Exchange Student - by Ted Danish - Young Dot spends a year in Paris as an exchange student. She shares a bed with 18-year-old Charlize with whom she has her first sexual experiences. (FF, 1st, oral, mast)
Failed Messiah - by Tommy Ranks - I used to be a queer-basher. Me and my friends used to walk by this gay bar and then we'd go talk to the whores who hung out by the bus station, and then we'd say 'yeah, we're going to go beat up a fag now' to try and impress them. They wouldn't be impressed, though, 'cause the homos were cool to them. (MF, drugs, mystical, rom)
Farmer's Wife - by BarryH - A girl marries a farm boy only to learn disappointment first hand. Finally she's driven into the arms of other men. (MF, cuck, intr, wife-cheat)
Filling My Sister - by DH Lawrence - It was a Saturday night. Our mom was spending the night at her boyfriend's house, so my sister and I were home alone. I was thirteen years old and was in the midst of my sexual awakening. My sister Katie was fifteen and I was pretty sure that she had already had sex judging from the moans coming from the basement when her boyfriends were over while mom was out... (mf, teens, inc)
Foolish Games - by Sue be-do - A woman and her boyfriend get into deep trouble when he has to leave her helpless and alone for just a short while... (M+/F, mexicans, nc-bond, rp)
Foreign Knights, The - by Trev - Fifteen knights who have come to her father's fortress to compete in a tourney rape a 12-year-old girl. (M+/g, rp, ped, v, medieval)
First Times to Remember - by WendyG - A boy goes to his friend's house and gets a lot more than he bargained for... (mf, mm, teens, beast, 1st)
From Boyhood to Manhood - by Raiderboy - Two fourteen year olds enjoy a wild afternoon of sex in the boy's bed after school. For him, it's his first time, and his experienced girlfriend makes it memorable for both of them. A story of teenage passion that every kid wants but few actually experience. (mf, teens, 1st)
Fun With Appliances - by Heatheranne - A housekeeper finds more than one use for her vacuum. (FF)
Giving Life - by Andy G. - A professor and his lab assistant provide a vehicle for aliens to return to life. Neither are eager to participate but as the professor takes total control of his pretty assistant the fun begins. (Mdom/F, sci-fi)
Going Steady - by Paula - I had been dating Greg for the past two months. He played with my emotions and passions. Is it time to submit to his wishes. I am not sure. (teens, 1st, rom)
Guilt - by The Sensualist - Near the school there is a corner store. Inside the store is a news stand. And on that stand, I know, lie the pages of American Swimwear, and other magazines of its ilk. Images flash through my mind, nubile women dressed in bikinis. My heart starts to pound. No, I think to myself, I must resist. (m, solo, true)
Hole in the Wall - by Honey Moon - It wasn't her fault; Cathy tried to convince herself, as she walked through the door once again. If only her husband didn't want to try something kinky and new that night, her life would still be normal. (M+F, wife, oral sex with strangers)
Homeward - by DH Lawrence - Brother returns home, gets drunk with his sister and the has sex with her. (MF, inc, alcohol)
Hood Nightmare - by Glaucus - A pretty young wife is dissatisfied in bed, but things change when she's accosted by a black man, then another black man, and then another... (M+/F, intr, wife, nc)
Horny Family - by Doctor Dan - Brother and sister are messing around with each other when Mom catches them at it. In this alternate universe instead of disciplining the children or trying to make them understand what they are did wrong, Mom is turned on by the sight of her children frigging each other and joins in. Then she has her friends join in too. (FF, Mf, inc, intr, ped)
Identity Crisis - by Cindy - A close friend of mine, trying to find his identity, finds a bit more than he counted on. An Australian story, by an aboriginal from the Kimberlies. This is a fair dinkum story. (FFF/M, nc, drugs)
Initiation of Bobby, The - by Bobby - A married bisexual man learns the pleasure of satisfying another man orally. (MM, 1st, oral)
In Our Friend's Apartment - by Emi Tsuruta - Hi, it's me, Emi, again. My boyfriend, Ryosuke, a few friends and I helped our friend Kenta move into his new apartment. We all end up sleeping over. The next morning, Ryosuke had snuck into bed with me and so naturally we started fooling around, even though there were two other girls sleeping right next to me. I thought we wouldn't end up going as far as we did. (MF, exh, reluc, asian)
It Was My Son's Fault - by Blackzilla - A mother has to pay for her son's wayward lifestyle. (MF, forced, rp)
Jill Kelly Goes to Prison - by Deputy Duffy - A young wife must undergo the prison's humiliating procedures before she is allowed to visit her husband. (MFF, nc, strip search)
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Joining The Hive - by Grav Id - A girl gets "picked up" by someone not human. They have very special plans for her. (Aliens/F, preg, sci-fi)
Jordan and Marie - by Raiderboy - Two twelve-year-old kids walk in on their teenage babysitter and her boyfriend having sex. When they get back to their room, both kids, having feelings they never experienced before, decide to experiment on their own. The result is memorable for them both. (MF-teens, b/g, ped, 1st, voy)
Jr. High Sex - by Raiderboy - This is a true story about how my nephew lost his virginity. He is in college now, and loves reading the stories here. He wanted me to put his experience into words, so here goes. The memorable event happened when he was thirteen. The names have been changed, but the events were real. (mf-teens, 1st)
Just One of Those Days - by Cuminatrice - A day full of flashing and exhibitionism, with lots of hot sex resulting from it. (M+/F, exh, shemale, ws, orgy)
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Part 3
Kate's Ordeal - by Foreigner - A young naval officer refuses the terms of surrender, which her shipmates accept; she then finds herself at the mercy of her new alien captors, who can think of only one use for her body. A tale of inter-species rape. (MMF, rp, sci-fi)
Kid on the Bed - by Dale10 - He was stretched out on the bed wearing only a pair of red silk boxers. His slender hairless arms were stretched out to the sides, where they were shackled with leather cuffs, spreading him open for me. He was a beauty all right, and scared as hell. (M/b, intr, anal, oral, S&M, ped, bd) -
Part 2
Kimmy Finds a Lover - by fj - Forced to go camping with her family, 10-year-old Kimmy decided to bake the beast of it. One thing leads to another, and camping doesn't seem so bad after all. (f/dog, 1st, ws, ped)
Lila on the Floor - by Foreigner - Hank, Mike and Amos quietly enjoy forcing their attentions on gentle, silent little Lila. (MM/f, MM, reluc, anal, oral, ped)
Linda's Lust for Boys - by Mich Boyle - The story of Linda - a beautiful 32-year-old woman with an addiction to boys - her adventures and seductions. (F/boys+, orgy, ped, 1st)
Linda's New Outfit - by JackBro - A rich, dominate, and spoiled young female takes her two prize studs up to the house to play. She wears an outfit to get them aroused and make sure they stay that way. Along the way, she humiliates them in front of a field hand. (FFM, exh, reluc, hum)
Little Lesbians - by Trailer Stud - A guy, two young girls, a trailer and an afternoon's delight. (M/ff, ff, ped, 1st, threesome)
Little Aphrodite - by Beetlebum - Patricia, a pre-teen girl happens on a teenage boy drawing a picture. She finds out that she is in his fantasies. Then fantasy becomes reality. (M-teen/g, 1st, oral, mast, ped)
Little Yellow Bikini, The - by Doctor Dan - A 25 year old man finds that he has an undeniable attraction to his preteen cousin Felicia. He just fantasizes about her until one day her parents ask him to baby-sit her for a few days. (M/ff, inc, ws, extreme-ped)
Loving Ashley - by AngelAmy - A father's obsession with his little girl leads to the ultimate sin -- sexual consummation. (M/g, inc, ped, anal)
LSD - by Michael - It all started when my wife Laura and I found the LSD in our daughter's room. Caroline had been acting the hippy for the past year, ever since she started the 11th grade. Having been a little bit of a free spirit myself in high school I'd let her get away with it. (MFF, threesome, drugs)
Maritza's Trap - by Carmen Diaz - Maria invited me over for what seemed to end up as an exploration between us. But what it really ended up being was a trap. A trap to help her boyfriend live out his rape fantasy... She is not my friend anymore... she's a fucking bitch... This is a true story, and took place in May 1999. (FF, MF, rp, latina)
Marissa Teaches Foolish Husband A Lesson - by Paulus - Pretty wife Marissa sees an opportunity to exploit her older husband's fetish then finds humiliation for him exciting. In the form of a letter to her best friend Rebekka' Marissa gives an open account of how and why. (MF, wife-sharing, intr, v, bd)
Massage My Wife - by Stan - At the urging of her husband, a conservative wife agrees to a sensual massage from a stranger while he watches. To the husbands delight, she enjoys herself thoroughly and asks for more than a massage. (MF, voy, wife-sharing, orgy)
Melanie and Her Boy - by RaiderBoy - Melanie thought she was going to die a virgin. At sixteen, she had never been on a date. Yet she was horny as hell. Then one summer day between her sophomore and junior year in high school, she decided to change the course her life was taking. (teens, 1st)
Midnight Visitor - by Raiderboy - Matt and Carol had to wait until she got her first car before they had the opportunity to lose their virginity. (MF-teens, 1st)
Mid Summer Night's Wet Dream - by Barry H - A fantasy tale involving two strangers (a man and a woman) some mutual masturbation in a public place complete with an odd little ending promising more. Comments and critiques welcome and appreciated. (MF, exh, mast, rom)
Mission to a New World - by JackBro - Debbie and Brian are two explorers from Earth sent to an alien planet to recover a crashed surveillance satellite. On the surface live the Longtons, a humanoid, pre-industrial revolution culture where the women are subservient to the males. Debbie soon discovers why the women willingly allow themselves to be subservient. (Mdom/F, size, exh, bd, forced sex, sci-fi) -
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Part 5
Model Daughter - by Rennie - All girls dream of being models. We like to dream of men throwing themselves at our feet and other women being insanely jealous of our beauty. (M/f-teen, exh, inc, 1st)
Mom's Dirty Dancing - by Anjing - What starts as a young man's dance lesson from his mother moves on to sexual teasing and climaxes with incest. (MF, inc)
Movie Star's Humiliating Preparation - by Deputy Duffy - A beautiful movie star wanted to experience prison life for an upcoming movie. It seemed like such a simple idea, but her agent picks the wrong sheriff to help out. He has other ideas. (MMF, voy, nc, oral, prison)
Mr. Black's Puppy Boys - by Dale10 - Adult male dominance over young teenage boys is the theme of this story. Cameras and voyeurism, and yes, the boys play at being dogs... (Mdom/mm-teens, gay, ped, anal, scat)
Ms. G. - by Derrick - A male student gets huge surprise from his teacher after school. (F/m, rom, ped, 1st)
My Best Friend is My Dog - by Vangie - This story is about my life of sex with my two dogs. (F/dogs, oral, mast)
My Girls - by Lan Garrick - A man discovers that his 8 and 12-year-old daughters are lovers, and gets sexually involved with them shortly after the discovery. (M/gg, inc, ped, cons, oral) -
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My Graduation - by Alwaysready - A young girl comes of age with her family's help! (MF/g, intr, exh, family-inc, ped)
My Lover - by Anonymous Author - My lover and I are in an interracial relationship. He is an Asian man, an ethnic Chinese. And, I am a Puerto Rican and black mixed female. He and I have gone through a lot in our relationship. This short story describes something that happens between us quite often. (MF, latina/chinese, intr, oral)
My Precious Amy - by Frank D. - The story of a widowed father discovering the intimate possibilities presented to him by his 14-year-old daughter. (M/f-teen, inc)
My Sister-in-Law Mary - by BlueM - Husband's fantasies about sleeping with his sister-in-law and his fantasies about his wife sleeping with another man are filled when his in-laws come to visit. (couples, wife-swapping)
Mystery Woman - by Pleasure Boy 1 - A man is tied to a bed and blindfolded by his girlfriend for a session of torturous teasing. She leaves suddenly in an attempt to drive him even more wild, but while she is gone out a mysterious woman shows up to take advantage of his helplessness. (MF, oral, bd, anonymous sex)
My Stupid Fantasy - by Toni - A married man wants to be used by other men. He eventually lives out his fantasy, only to find that it becomes his nightmare. (M+/M, rp, cd, bd, ws)
My Tit Hungry Sons - by Nataliamarie - A big tit mommy seduces her stud sons by showing her huge tits and provoking them to fuck them thoroughly. She also involves in this game, her big titted sister and both play naughty games, using their tits on her tit hungry sons. (FFm, inc, ped)
My Wife and the Glory Hole - by Derek Cage - My wife Sara and I were out celebrating our fourteenth anniversary and went out to dinner to celebrate. Upon leaving the resturant we decided to walk around the city a bit. Several blocks away, we came across an adult bookstore and out of curiosity we went inside. (MMF, bi, wife, exh, intr)
Nine Months and Fifteen Minutes - by Oldwrench - Young Newlyweds find it impossible to wait during their ride to the reception. (MF, 1st)
Not What I Had Planned - by Blue Balls - College undergraduate duped into a most humiliating performance, by a sexy coed, he mistakenly thought cared for him. (FFM, exh, rp, bdsm, huml)
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October - by Anonymous Author - This is a true happening... I am a Puerto Rican and black mixed female. I have a lover who is ethnic Chinese. We were at one time to the point of breakup because of outside negative influences. He invited me to his apartment one night to talk... (MF, asian/latina, intr, rp)
One Night Stand - by Paula - Have you ever been overwhelmed by the sheer sexiness of a man. Well that happened to me at a recent wedding reception. Wow what a night! (MF, rom, 1st)
Our African Adventure - by Anonymous - A husband and wife want to try some interracial sex. The wife is game because she thinks that black men have bigger pricks than white men, and she's more than ready to put her theory to the test. (MF, wife, slit, intr, cuck)
Our Parent's Couch - by DH Lawrence - Two kids, a brother and sister discover the pleasure of sex from each other, on their parent's couch. (f-teen/m-pre-teen, inc, 1st)
Pain and Pleasure - by Stallion & Mare - This story is about a man who is kidnapped while on his way home from work. He's taken to a place where he is tied up by a group of men. They who force him to have sex with animal and watch, betting on how long he'll last. (M+/M, beast rp, v) -
Part 2
Panda People - by Carla Manning - An erotic story set in the not-so-far future... (sexual fantasy, beast/F, sci-fi)
Park Street Slut - by Frank Jackson - Kelly is sent to the park to play and discovers adventures she never dreamed of. This is the story of how one seven-year-old looses her virginity. (M+m+/f, ped, exh, ws, orgy)
Party Girl - by Todd - A college couple meet a girl at a party who likes to watch. (FF, exh)
Photographer, The - by JL - A guy meets a pretty woman who is a professional photographer. After a while he finds out that she has a job on the side as a porn photographer too. (MF, FF, exh)
Pit, The - by Dircat - A young wife agrees to do anything the soldiers demand to save her life. (M+/F, nc, v)
Poker Night - by Golfadikt2 - A brother's weekly poker night turns intimate when his sister and her friends start playing. (MM, MF, group, teens, inc)
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Part 4
Pool Boy - by Raiderboy - Sixteen-year-old Jeff's first day on the job as a pool cleaner is a memorable one as he finds his first customer sunbathing in the nude beside her pool. Jeff does what any normal teenage boy would like to do under those circumstances, and the result is satisfying for both of them. (F/m-teen, 1st, exh)
Queen, The - by Grav_Id - The last surviving marine on an underground mission to an alien planet becomes trapped. She has to fight her way out, but the aliens have other plans for her. (Alien/F, v, nc, sci-fi, preg)
Raping of Kim, The - by Foreigner - Hank throws a party while his parents are out of town. Hank and a friend rape his 12-year-old little sister. (MM/f, rp, inc, v, ped)
Reflections of a Janitor - by Andy Tasso - Not a pretty story. Lots of rage in this one. (MM, asphyxia, snuff)
Refugees - by CC CC - I worked at a medical station in a missionary refugee camp during the War. Actually I sort of WAS the medical station, since I was the only doctor there, and I had supplied, staffed, and paid for the transportation of the supplies and equipment myself. That was where I met Lesa and Katya. (M/gg, ped, bdsm, rom)
Remarkable Phase - by Ruchi Z - My name is Ruchi and I am 26 years old. I am about to share with you the most remarkable phase of my life. (MF, v, nc) -
Part 2 -
Part 3
Rent Assistance - by Fantam - A young Boxer finds a way to assist his rent payments, when he runs into his sexy landlady in the hall outside his apartment. (MF, rom)
Roommates - by Todd - It was another beautiful afternoon. Jack and I got together at his place to preview a new movie he had just bought. He put the video in the VCR and pushed 'play'. Almost right away the action started. We grabbed a couple of beers and sat down to enjoy the show. (MMF, bi)
Samantha Becomes A Bimbo - by H. Grant - There was no doubt in Samantha's mind. She was going to law school - or at least that's what she thought. (M+/F, mc, oral, anal, drugs)
Sauna - by Nom - My friend told me about the time when he went to a sauna with his parents. He said there were nude women everywhere. I didn't quite believe him, but I was intrigued. For days afterwards I fantasised about being at that sauna surrounded by nude young women. Eventually I decided to go and see for myself. (FM-teen, voy, mast, 1st)
School Bus Bullies - by LoverOfTeenGirls - Kyle tries to rescue his sister and her friend from bullies on the bus.... only to fall prey to them himself. (mf, ff, teens, forced-inc)
Sex Maniac Institute, The - by Latexluvr - It was in the year 2012. After a long six year war that started in China spread to the Middle East, then to Africa and then to Europe and ultimately to North America... (M+/F, mc, nc, bd, sci-fi)
Part 2
Shadow Knight Chronicles, Chapters 1 & 2 - by Gambit - This is the story of a young man that discovers a great power within himself. He also discovers, in time that with power comes responsibility. (teens, rom, 1st, mc) -
Chapter 3
Sherrie Baby - by Pleasure Boy 1 - A young man discovers his best friend's little sister has the major hots for him and has gone to great lengths to ensure that she gets him in the sack. She's an extremely tight baby-faced teen. (teens, rom, exh, reluc, 1st)
Shower Time Fun - by Sofskin4u2touch - Ricki surprises Lucy with a new shower toy. (lesbian, bbw, toys)
Sister Pippa - by Sadie - A teenage boy injures himself and is nursed by his older sister. (Fm, inc, mast, ped)
Sisters - by Jan V. - An enovel: Sisters find love and pleasure without going outside the family. (ff, lesbians, teens, inc)
Sleep Over - by RC - A tenage boy has his first sexual experience with his best friend's mother. (F/m-teen, oral, 1st)
Sleep Over - by womyn2000 - A story about me being with a girlfriend during a sleepover when we were teenagers. (ff-teens, 1st, oral)
Sticky Lips - by Rick O - Darla's happily married and enjoying sex with her husband; even more than ever now that he's learned to eat her out after sex. But when two of her old college friends show up and her girlfriends try out hubby's new talents, enjoyment reaches new and untried levels. (MFFF, creampie)
Studying the Hiwans - by Foreigner - A young female xenobiologist studying the ways of an alien race stumbles upon a scene of alien sex and quickly learns, personally, what it means to be raped by the Hiwans. (Aliens/F, gang-rape, sci-fi)
Sucking Cock - by Bigby - A well written first story about a man who is influenced to do things he might not do otherwise, by a woman at work. (M+/F, BI-oral, intr)
Suzanne: Mississippi Burning - by Rusty Shackleford - A pretty southern wife finds that when she goes to fire the hired help that she's unable to do it. Actually she's unable to do anything when her big black hired man takes the situation into his own very large and capable hands. (Mdom/F, wife, intr, reluc)
Swappers - by Merlin - A Couple learns to swap and swing through the aid of porno magazine, and meeting other couples. (couples, BI, cd, v, swing)
Talking Dirty - by BarryH - Debra has always loved those forbidden four letter words during sex, and likes to make a lot of noise. In this tragi-comic adventure Debra ends up living out some kinky fantasies inside a women's prison with an unlikely lover in a dangerous place. Critiques and comments welcomed by the author. (FF, exh, 1st, mast)
Thawing the In-law - by Cindy - An incest story, what more can I say? Weird enough to be true... (MFF, inc)
They Knew My Name - by Blackzilla - This is a true story. It was told to me by one of my Zillettes (One of my female readers) She's really a sweet woman who finds herself turned on by rape stories. After a few emails back and forth, she told me that she was raped when she was in college. (M+/F, forced, alcohol)
Three - by Marc - I've never told anyone about this before. And I'm only posting it here now because I can be anonymous. I've changed the names of the women involved so no one can recognize who they are, or connect this to me. It's about my first threesome. (MFF, threesome, cheat)
TR Ranch, The - by Anonymous Author - Summer was just beginning and I still didn't have a job between my junior and senior year at CU. I didn't know how I was going to spend my summer or how I was going to pay for next year's tuition. (MMM, gay, beast, ws)
Turned Out - by mm2639 - A cocky jock gets taught a lesson. (gay, nc, v)
Two Virgins Play Truth or Dare - by Robbie - My parents were away one weekend, so I had a group of friends over. We were all around 15 years old at the time. There was Mary, a pretty brunette; Jenny, a tall, muscular brunette; and Sandy, a blonde who - I swear - looked just like Brittany Spears! Blond hair, blue eyes.... a knockout! There was also me, my friend Paul and David. (teens, 1st)
Veronica - by Beetlebum - It's 1968, and a guy named Gian takes the lead roll on this story. He rapes a 19-year-old psychedelic queen by the name of Veronica, which, to his amazement, gladly accepts her role as the victim. (MF, rp)
Uncle Bob - by Doctor Dan - Bob Arnold had always been fond and protective of his sister Judy, so when her husband walked out on her and her two daughters he was there for them, providing the support and care they needed. After a few months he moved in with the family and began to form special bonds with all of them. In particular the two girls. (M/FFf, family, inc, ws, ped)
Unseen, The - by mm2639 - A pretty dark haired girl has inherited a large old house. But the old house is, of course, not entirely empty. (MF, supernatural, nc, preg)
Video Watching - by Nom - I wanted to turn around and give Tina my full attention. I also wanted to replace my fingers with my tongue or to take this young virgin with my throbbing erection. Alas, in a room full of people this was not possible. But it was an incredible turn-on to get away with what we were doing in a room full of horny young men. (M/f-teen, mast, public)
W.A.R.M. Facility, The - by Hansel - A young orphan boy is lost, then 'rescued' by busty Nurses at a most unusual clinic. Several chapters completed, more on the way... (F+/b, inc, nc, mc, ped) -
Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4
Watch, The - by The Watcher - A man buys a cheap watch and discovers it has the power to make him invisable to others. (M+/F, nc, rp, intr, voy)
Weekend with Carol - by J - A young college guy invites an older woman out to a farmhouse he is house sitting for the weekend. (MF, rom, exh, 1st, oral)
What a Surprise - by Pat - I am a 26-year-old single mother of two. My children are aged 5 and 4. I work at a local drive inn theater serving fast food items. This is where I met my Lesbian girl friends Jill and Annie. (FFF, lesbians, shemale)
Wife on Video - by Anonymous Author - A trucker suspects his wife of cheating on him while he's on the road. He decides to find out and sets her up for a fall. (F/dog, voy)
Wife's Photo Shoot - by Hardy - I wanted glamorous and sexy pictures of my wife while she was still beautiful. We connected with Kim, a professional photographer. Soon she had talked my wife into some very erotic poses. Then Kim wanted to add a male model, just for fun. (MMF, wife, voy, bd, reluc, cuck)
Why I Love Gloryholes - by Dave Kingman - A true story about my first experience at an adult book store. (MM, oral, 1st)
Young Boy's First Time - by The Handman - Young Jeff's first sexual experience was at the age of 12 with John a 16-year-old neighbor boy. At first Jeff wasn't sure if this was for him but once he got into doing it he agreed that this kind of playtime is fun. (M-teen/b, ws, 1st, ped)
You've Made Your Bedouin, Now Lie In It - by Dancer - It was a case of mistaken identity. I thought I'd paid the right person for the figs. I was wrong. Of course I was, or there wouldn't be a story, now would there? (MF, oral, intr, food)