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A Dark And Stormy Night - by Ann Douglas - This story is about two young friends, who spend a night at the family cabin, and have their first girl love session. (FF-teens, lez, oral)
A Fast Dance at the Kindling Klub - by Tooshoes - Neon lights, flashing. The heavy beat of Aerosmith, beating to my heart beat, and to my footsteps, as I danced wild on the stage, with my passion and skin as naked as the lust in their eyes. Last night I was a pussy cat, purring for a little affection. A little chit-chat. But tonight I was a lioness. Untamed. Unbridled. Voracious. And I was, On Fire. (F, exh)
African Drums - by Dark Dreamer - A stuck up rich teenage girl learns extreme lessons about life when she's abducted during a safari to Africa with her parents. (M+/f-teen, rp, exh, intr) -
Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4 -
Part 5 -
Part 6 -
Part 7 -
Part 8
After School Special - by Marlissa - A story about transformation, cross-dressing and bondage. A teacher notices a pretty student and finds out that "she" has a very strange home life. (boys, trans, cd)
Air Force - by Kristen - A story I wrote about a young woman who is accepted at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, sexual harassment, and the sexual experiences that she has there. (MF, first)
Amateur - by ElijahZ - A College girl trades sex for money to buy the necessary books for her next semester at school. (MF, prost)
Amsterdam - by Keiko - My sister and I had arrived in Amsterdam very late in the evening. We had planned to arrive earlier but had gotten lost on the way. We got to bed late that night. The next morning I was not awakened by the sound of birds, but voices?? I had to try to think where I was?? I finally remembered, and I pretended to be sleeping, I peeked through my still closed eyes. (F/exh, mast)
Amy Swallows - by Walker - Jamie was a great girlfriend in every way, except that she wouldn't swallow. Her boyfriend found someone who would. (mf-teens, chest)
A Night at the Circus - by Dafydd - They meet at the circus. He's a patron, and she's a clown. It's what happens after the shows over that gets interesting. (MF, food fetish)
Anne: Teenage Slut - by Felleshoe - A story from Norway about an extremely slutty young girl, and her adventures with all kinds of men. (M+f, gangbanu-orgies, exh, ped)
Anne Buys A Dress - by Annebi18@Aol.com - A story about two girls in a mall, and their adventures together. (ff)
Anne Watching - by Annebi18@Aol.com - Anne has fun playing with herself for her neighbors who are spying on her. (solo, ff)
Anniversary - by E.Z. Riter - Their life had been like most other couples married five years: two children, a mortgaged house, good friends, some good times and some bad times. Their fourth anniversary had been a surprise, planned by him at great length to make it special for her and blessed by her with tears of joy. Their fifth anniversary would be in four months. She had thought about it for a year. (MF, wife-exh, rom)
Army Nurse - by Parodyman - A wounded soldier has a merciful nurse take really good care of him. (MF)
Art Class - by Mike Hunt - A story about a male and female student, an art class and a nude painting. (MF)
A Souvenir of War - by Mandible - A college girl gets her revenge, when the campus rapist picks on her. (MF, rp, v)
A Tight Fit - by SAT - Rip-roaring sex in a bar restroom, with two men and a very slutty woman. (MMF)
Autofit - by Andy - A computer programmer has sex with a co-worker. (MF, rom)
Baby Room - by Anonymous - A young man's sexual experience while in the church nursery. (MF, milk, intercourse)
Being Raped (Two Perspectives) - by Anonymous Author - From the sister's perspective and from her twin brother's perspective. (mf, inc, rp)
Best Backride of My life - by Callender - About two guys, and hot gay sex. He could have been 15 or 18, it was difficult to tell. Dark hair and deep brown eyes. He was about five feet eight and had an athletic build. (MM)
Backyard Show - by Showife - A wife shows her body off to a bunch of schoolboys. (MF, wife, teens, exh)
Baretail - by Anonymous - The girl gets drunk and ends up busting into a lonely mans apartment. (MF)
Beautiful Imbecile - by PIXNIX Author - She resided at the local Bordello. She had the body of a goddess: blonde, tanned and firm, with stately breasts that stood out proudly; perfect legs and thighs, a rounded ass that moved seductively when she walked, the face of an angel. But she had been born retarded and had the mind of a small child. Her mother had been one of the call girls. (MF)
Bend Over Mom - by Mr. Strawberry - Mother exposes herself to her son, and the story goes from there. (Fm, exh)
Bi-Couple - by Shaved Jerry - who gets picked up and taken home be a swinging couple. He can fuck the woman, but the catch is, everything he does to her, her boyfriend gets to do to him. (MF, MM)
Bi-Jenn - by JennTill - A college student goes to a gay bar to meet a friend who stands her up. But Jen meets a young couple and makes new friends. (MF, FF)
Billy & Jilly - by Lisa & Sharon - First time young love. They do it in a closet, and find that they love how it feels. (mf, young, first)
Black Girl - by Philip Adams - A white mans first sexual encounter with a pretty black woman. (MF, Mf, intr)
Black Lover - by Ian - Judith is a vivacious twenty-four year old blonde wife, very pretty with a superb figure. And her husband likes to watch her with other men. (MF, sharing, intr)
Boyfriends Friend - by Anonymous Author - All my girlfriends seem to think I'm really lucky to have a boyfriend like Craig. He's really good looking, romantic, and a bit of a stallion in-between the sheets. Just recently we started talking about our sexual fantasies, and I told him that my wildest dream was to get well and truly fucked by two guys at once. Rather than being shocked, Craig said he thought it was really a sexy idea, and actually wanted to give it a try! (MMF, sharing)
Call Me Mommy - by Rob Thompson - A coming of age story about a 16 year old boy who goes to live with his aunt Linda. (mf, first, inc)
Carla the Insatiable Wife - by PIXNIX Author - A couple who likes to show off, a husband that likes to watch his wife with others. (MF, wife-sharing)
Catfight - by Greatness - Two girls get into it at a party. (ff-teens, mast, mc, v, rp)
Cher-ing Her Bedroom - by Heatheranne - A young couple get carried away at a party in her friends bed. (MF, voy)
Coming To America - by Kristen - A story about a young woman's odyssey - Discovered in a small village in rural Russia, Nikki finds herself in the fast lane in New York as an up-and-coming fashion model, literally over-night. (MF, nc, FF)
Cyber-Meet - by Lisa & Sharon - Two people meet in chatrooms, and build a virtual relationship. then they decide to meet in real life. (MF)
Dare - by Michael K. Smith - It started with Katie's Official No-Underwear Dare and with the impossibility of keeping a secret, especially when it has to do with sex. (FF)
Dare - by Anonymous - They are at a party and dares are thrown around, challenges made and accepted. (MF, orgy)
Darla's Perfect Man - by Darla Campbell - Young woman comes home to a surprise lover. (MF, nc?)
A Date with Marsha and Judy - by Anonymous - A man makes his regular call on the local whore, but ends up with her two young daughters instead. (Mff, ped)
Daycare for Tyler - by MichXX1 - Hi my name is Michelle and when this story took place I was just out of college and had started teaching at a pre-school. The pre-school had students there ranging in age from six months to twelve years old... (Fm, ped)
Devoted Mother - by hollyray - Young mother meets boyfriend and after a while begins to share her daughter with him too. (MF, MFf, inc)
Dinner for Three - by Neil - An internet chat turns into a threesome between the author Cathy and Sarah. (MFF)
Driving Instructor - by Anonymous - I was making mental additions to my two weeks notice when my last trainee of the day came walking up. She was around seventeen, pert and perky, virginal and sensual. I felt the rising force of my rod of God when I saw here walking towards the car. She was wearing a black T-shirt that was about a size too large and a pair of very tight denim jeans. As she approached the car I started fantasizing about her and I running out of gas on a dark, little used side road. She opened up the door and said, "Mr. Roberts? Hi! I'm Debbie! You're my driving instructor today!" (M/F-teen)
Eggfoo-Yummy - by Heatheranne - This one is a fantasy about three female friends at a Chinese restaurant. (FF, MF, fant)
Eating Out in an Elevator - by Anonymous Author - This story is set at work, and is about two co-workers who have to use the same elevator all the time. (MF)
Elevator Rape - by Parker - What woman doesn't worry when she gets on an elevator with a large, muscular, cruel looking man? Who knows what could happen? (MF, rp, v)
Encounter at the Movies - by LaffWithMe - A man goes to an adult theater to see a porno film and gets quite an experience while there. (MF, MF, voy, exh)
Eromantica - by Basbleu - Sensual massage and sex on a full stomach in an idyllic cottage in front of a fireplace. (MF)
Favour - by Spoonbender - A story about a husband whose pretty young wife has a fantasy. He asks his friend for help to make her fantasy come true. (M+/F, wife-gangbang, cons?)
Fran's Coming Out Party - by Heatheranne - Sarah crawled on her hands and knees across my queen sized bed. As she firmly nestled one of her knees against my pussy and lowered her generous breasts to mine and began stroking her nipples back and forth across mine she smiled and said, "How come I have to do all the work?" (MF, FF, voy)
Gay Child - by Anonymous Author - A boys coming of age. . . with other boys. . . Basically, the short version of the story is that I had (and still have) sexual relations with my brother and a less sexual but still pretty intimate relationship with my parents. You'll have to read the story to get the long version. (mm)
Girlfriend Does it Again - by Carl Wellington III - His girlfriend will do almost anything he asks. (mf, voy, young)
Goodbye - by Damya - A story about a girl leaving a guy, and their last night together. (MF)
Gun Play - by Norm DePloom - A pretty young woman is raped by a man with a gun. (MF, rp, v)
"Guns" - Burglar in Training - by Zifferman - Michelle parked her smart red Porsche in the long, curved driveway of her large home. Her matching red high heels clicked on the stone steps leading to the front door. Even now, as she skipped up the steps, he could see her lithe, athletic legs flexing in her hose. (MF, rp, v, intr)
"Guns" - Kathy Visits the Mall - by Kathy Angilo - Kathy goes to the mall and has fun being a tease. But when she leaves things are different. (MF, M+/F, rp, v)
"Guns" - Fun With the Whole Family - by 104641.56@CompuServe.COM - A home invasion story where mother and daughter are sexually assaulted by the intruder. (Mdom/F, rp ,v)
"Guns" - Reform School Boys - by Mark E. Dassad - Another in the guns series. A young boy gets into serious trouble when he thinks he can use a gun to carjack someone. (Mdom/m, rp, v)
"Guns" - Road Rage - by Richard Rivers - A man gets mad at a young Asian woman when she cuts him off in traffic. (Mdom/F, rp, v, intr)
"Guns" - Wrong Exit - by SoulGrabber - A mother and daughter take the wrong exit, and run into trouble. (MF, FF, rp, intr)
Hanging Johnny - by Mistress Sara - A young lad will do anything to have sex with Mistress Sarah, even sex by Asphyxia. (Fdom/m, tor)
Home Alone - by Badblues - Wife is left home alone all day every day. Husband decides to come home and spy on her once. (F, solo, voy)
Home Movies - by Kimberlyn Cloke - A young woman gets talked into being the camera-person for a home-movie sex show, and gets drawn into the moment. (MF, FF, voy, exh)
Honeymoon - by Storysman - It's about a newlywed couple and a bride who strays with a mysterious stranger. (MF, mc, cheat)
Hot Tub - by Cucumberman - About a couple who meet at stranger in the hot tub at their hotel. It quickly becomes a three-some. (MF, MM, MMF)
In Your Sister - by Frank McCoy - Guess what's in sister. A mother teaches her children a lesson when she catches them fooling around with each other. (mf, mc, inc, ped)
India - Underneath The Mango Tree - by Jayant Lund - Anita lay naked under a shady mango tree, gazing dreamily at the leaves and dangling vines. Her dusky body shone with sweat and there were streaks of a man's jizm on her lips and breasts and thighs. Her lover sprawled beside her, his body half over hers, his limp penis against her thigh. Anita slid her hand down between his thighs and fondled his penis. (MF)
India - Birds Of A Feather - by Jayant Lund - "God, I love your body," Audrey murmured. "I love fucking you." (MF)
India - Dirty Amber : Part 1 of 4 - by Mary Jorsay Gandmar - The woman's name was Sayali and she was twenty-four years old. Her husband of six months, Suresh, prowled around the divan, goading the gigolo, urging him to greater heights sexual action. The watching men were his friends and business associates. Now, as they chortled and whistled and clapped their approval of the performance, he smiled to himself in satisfaction. (MF, wife-sharing, exh, voy)
India - Dirty Amber : Part 2 of 4 - by Mary Jorsay Gandmar - As long as he lived, he would never forget the sight that met his eyes. Sayali, his bride of all three days, was on her knees on the carpeted floor of the bedroom. She was wearing only a terry-cloth bathrobe. Standing before her was the room-service steward who had delivered their meal the previous night. His shirt was pulled off, and his trousers were unzipped. Sayali was sucking his cock. (MF, voy, exh, wife-sharing)
India - Dirty Amber : Part 3 of 4 - by Mary Jorsay Gandmar - Suresh had never seen such lovely, sexy women. They were show in all kinds of positions, with all kinds of men, often with several at once, taking their enormous penises in their every orifice, frequently simultaneously. Understanding the operation menu, he skimmed through several disks in mounting excitement. All these girls were said to be available. (MF, wife, exh, FF)
India - Dirty Amber : Part 4 of 4 - by Mary Jorsay Gandmar - She suggested that they put on a show. A sex show. Hire a couple, or a trio or quartet, and have them fuck for the guests. And then let the guests help themselves. (MF, FF, wife, orgy)
India - Hard Work - by Jaynat Lund - Anita was a stenographer, and Deepak, was one of the office-boys, what they call a peon in India -- the guys who kept the office clean, delivered messages, stood in line to pay phone bills, really did the dirty hard work that nobody else wanted to do. (MF)
India - Secretarial Practice - By F. Alyque Simbal - Alex's cock was so big that he could move his hips back eight inches or more and still leave a good two or three inches stuck fast in a woman's cunt. And Shirlyn liked that about hom. (MF)
India - The Real Thing - by Jayant Lund - The chauffeur smiled to himself in pleasure as he looked at his memsa'ab. She was great to look at. She knew it, and she knew he liked doing it, and she liked that. She gave him teasing, tantalizing glimpses of her thighs and belly and breasts and flesh, knowing that it turned him on and, finally, made their fucking much better. (Fdom/M)
India - Tool Using Animals - by Jsysnt Lund - They were dark, handsome men. One was slim and lean, the other better built. Both were stripped to their trousers and vests. Kanan watched their muscles ripple smoothly as they worked. (MMF, cons)
India - Video Knights In Katmandu - by Jayant Lund - by Jayant Lund - The music grows in volume and tempo and slowly, lingering on their writhing bodies, the camera begins to climb up their bodies catching all the sexual tension. (MMF, voy, exh)
India - The Tuition - by Dolund Ayksaat - The teenager was feeling giddy and oddly light-headed. He could hardly believe this was happening at last, at long last, after so long, so much waiting, so much dreaming, so much longing, those lonely nights of endless masturbation, fantasizing about her, of Shirlyn, his teacher, his tuition teacher who taught him math and chemistry and physics and, and biology, most of all biology, mostly anatomy, hers and his, and theirs. (F/m-teen, exh)
India - Shiva's Bride - by Mary Jorsay Gandmar - Her name was Leena, and she had the voice of an angel. A professional classical vocalist, she was also the high priestess of a remote, virtually unknown, temple in the forested hills of central India. The temple had a small but devoted congregation from what few hamlets and villages were scattered over the sparsely populated region. (MF, cult)
India - The Vendor of Coconuts - by F. L. Byrste - She licked and sucked his heavy balls delicately and then slowly took his cock in her mouth again. The man murmured his pleasure and closed his eyes in surrender. She was an incredibly sexy piece of ass and randy as bitch in heat. That was obvious from the minute he saw her earlier that morning. He was a coconut vendor and he wandered the beaches north of the city with a heavy basket of fruit on his head. (MF)
India - Pit Stop - by Mary Jorsay Gandmar - It was a while before he realized that his passengers had suddenly gone very silent. The cabbie flicked his eyes to his rear-view mirror. What he saw almost made him ram into the road divider. He swerved, missed another car by inches, earned several curses that questioned his father's relationship with his mother, then steadied himself. (MF, exh, voy, public)
In The Middle Of The Night - by Damya - A story about getting horny in the middle of the night. (MF)
I remember - by Louise - I remember the first time I discovered what "it" was for. Not that the real "first time" - that would happen several years later - but in many ways that was less memorable than these events. (f, mast)
Jen's Bath - by Netserk - A dorm story, about a young man who gets to watch his friend's roommate take a shower, and more. (voy, mast)
Johnny Stayed After - Lisa and Sharon - Here he was. Staying after school on a beautiful afternoon just to finish a paper he should have finished during class. Only now was no different from then. Just as during class, Johnny kept looking at Miss Simpson. (Fm, ped)
Judy's Brother - by Anonymous - I know that Judy can be a pain in the ass. Hell, I grew up with her. But that's not why it happened. Paul and I met in a bathroom, I'm almost ashamed to admit. I was, well, young. He was older, but we went to the same school. (MM, MF, inc?)
Kathy, Amanda and Daddy too - by Big Daddy - This story starts with two lesbian lovers, Amanda 18, and Kathy 40, talking about a little problem in their relationship. (FFM)
Kathy's First Orgasm - by Joe Slackie - There on her bed were my daughter and her boyfriend Steve. They were both nude, and she was on her back with her knees spread wide to allow him to kneel between them. He was rolling a condom onto his very stiff cock. The head of which was pointed straight at the waiting opening to my daughters waiting sex. (Mf, inc, ped)
Kathy On The Internet - by Anonymous - A pretty unlikely story about a husband and wife, and a stranger, and an internet newsgroup. (MF, wife-sharing)
Kristene Comes Home - by Kristen - This one is about Kristene who lives in Lebanon for years, then comes home to the US, and has to try to fit in. (MF, ff-teens)
Kristen's Conversion - by Anonymous Author - Kristen gets a shave. A strangely sexual arousing story about the removal of all body hair. (MF)
Labor Day Threesome - by Mark - Husband wife and female friend, get it on after dinner. (fmf)
Late Rape - by Wiley - Another Wiley story, about rape and mayhem. (MMF, rp, v, teen)
Lauren's Mom - by The Sender - Lauren's mother is every bit as attractive as she is, just older by sixteen years. I am halfway between them in age, and as you will see, I have come to appreciate them both. (Fm, cheat)
Life and Times of Lisa Grimmes - First published by TheEditor - "What I'm trying to explain to you, is that I don't know if I'd get horny or not. The only other time that I've seen another man's cock since we got married, was when you brought that movie projector home with the eight millimeter films that we watched. I damn sure got horny that night! (fm, ff, orgy, voy)
Long Hard Ride - by Betty - Female masturbating her man, while driving down the freeway, with the top down. (MF, mast)
Love For Charlie - by JMD - Charlie ... Charlene ... just her presence in the room made my heart race. The first time she touched my arm ... I thought my hardness would burst. It was unbearable. I think she knew it, but just the same, she was so charming, so innocent to the effect she had on me. (MF, rom)
Mary Catherine - by Karl Lancing - Making love to Mary Catherine. (MF)
Megan's Surprise - by JennTill - Michael and I had talked about being with another girl for what seemed like forever. I finally decided to do something about our little fantasy. I decided to make it a reality. And I had the perfect girl to join into our little menage-a-tois! (MFF, bi)
Mia The Babysitter - by Raven - In truth, Mia had been more than a little bit shocked at the feel of Brady's hand on her ass. It had taken a moment for the realization that, yes, Brady Reagan's hand was really on her ass. She knew it had been an accident that it had landed there, but he hadn't taken it away immediately, so that had to mean something. (Mf, ped)
Michelle - by Holby - Mike's buddy's older sister becomes enamoured with his body and they have wild passionate loved, all over the house. (MF)
MIR - To Heaven and Back - by Kristen - Female astronaut's mission to space. Spends 9 months on the MIR space station. She gets seduced by handsome Russians one at a time. Comes home very pregnant. (MMF)
Molly and the Preacher - by Tom - She had a pretty, angelic face which was very young looking. Her golden hair was a delight to see, shimmering in the sunlight. Her little girl voice tinkled like a wind chime in a light breeze. Her clothes were rather baggy at our first meeting and I could not tell if she was well formed or scrawny. She was a troubled child who came from a broken home and lived with her mother, who had a drug habit. (Mf, mast, ped)
Mom's Healing Love - by J Boswell - A four part story about a young son and his loving mother. Their relationship gets completely out of hand and the police finally move in. (Fm+, inc, ped, gang)
Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4
Mommy Towel - by EazinAlong - "A girl's first love is her father," the counselor says softly. "She looks up to him, and when her body begins to ripen from a girl into a woman, he is usually the first man she desires," he continues. "You are special fathers and daughters because you have come here to consummate this desire." (Fm, inc, ped)
Mrs. Bender and her Son Andy - by Sims - At 14 years old, I had the usual fantasies and dreams about women. I woke up many times in a puddle of my own cum. What made me different than most other kids though, was that I sometimes had dreams about my mother. With her dirty blond hair, blue eyes, great figure, and her c-cup tits, she could have had any man in the world. (Fm, inc, ped)
Motel - by Deirdre - A man and a woman share a bed in a motel room. (MF, no sex)
Most Embarrassing Coming Out - by Don Azars - A young boys coming out party, with family and friends. (Mm)
My Best Friend, My lover - by Stephanie - It was late one Friday night. My best friend Kirstin and I were laying in my room watching a movie that we had rented. We had spent most of the night laughing and gossiping while watching movies. After running out of things to do, we decided to just lay in silence and try to concentrate on the movie. (ff-teens)
My Brother's Girlfriend - by DevoSpudC - Simply put, my brother Calvin's girlfriend was a knockout. Her name was Tammy McAllen, and she was one of the nicest and sexiest girls at our school. She was in 12th grade, like my brother, and she was going to turn eighteen in two months. She had dazzling green eyes, cute freckled skin, and the most beautiful smile I'd ever seen. Her hair was red, and she wore it short in what I call Egyptian style-cut even across the forehead with long sides. She was tall and slender, with a nice chest and a gorgeous butt. Despite her looks, she was a little shy, and I think I fell in love with her the first time Cal brought her home. (MF, voy)
Part 2 -
Part 3
My Daughter - by Anonymous - Daughter seduces Daddy story. - "It had been a strange week for me - My wife Linda had been extremely hot that week. Every time she changed clothes it seemed they showed more and more. Then at night she'd fuck my brains out. To top it off Courtney, our sweet sixteen year old, had started to wearing very little clothing around the house just like her mom. It was like they were having a no clothes contest so every time I looked at either one of them I was seeing breasts or bare bottoms. I felt guilty when I looked at Courtney, but when she saw me looking she would just smile and make sure I had a good peek. Her mom was always there and would just smile as well when I'd look over at her to see if I'd been caught. I promise you, I was one confused guy, but I just said 'what the hell and enjoyed the show'." (Mf, inc)
My Mariko - by Anonymous Author - I carefully lowered the thin, transparent fishing line through the pinhole in the floor, Mariko's ceiling. Ever so slowly, fearing that the least noise would disturb the sleeping girl in bed on the next floor down. (Mf, asian, ped, rp, drugs)
My Paperboy Adventure - by Keiko - I often house-sit for my uncle while he is in California or Japan. Usually one weekend a month. I enjoy sleeping with no clothes on, unless it is cold, which is unusual in Hawaii. I got up early and put on a short terry robe and went into the kitchen to make coffee. A few minutes later, I hear the newspaper boy ride up on his bicycle and he throws the paper against the front door with a "thud" noise. (F/exh)
My Sexual Autobiography 1 - by kyoushu - 4 parts) An autobiography about the authors sex life. (mf, mm, mast, beast)
Part 2 -
Part 3
My Towel Adventure - by Keiko - I have now lived in Honolulu for one year. It has become a very exciting time for me. I enjoy having American men look at me and I have many opportunities for this in Hawaii. Today was a nice time for me, I performed my towel show at the beach again. (F/exh)
My Very First Adventure - by Keiko - Hello, my name is Keiko, I am from Tokyo and have only been in the USA since last August. I will soon be 19 years of age, I have long black hair and am approximately 5 feet tall. I am enjoying living in Honolulu very much. I have found American men to be very nice and polite .... unlike Japanese men in Japan who are very rude. (f/exh)
My Wife 1 - by Robert Handle - A lot of men admire my wife, hell, more than that really, most men desire her. And well they should. She's that rarest of women, totally free, and completely independent. I am married to her, but I don't own her. Nor would I ever attempt to restrict her feelings or needs. I'm writing this to explain to her many would-be suitors just how to go about getting her to do to you what she does best... make you come!(MF, FF, voy, exh, intr)
My Wife 2 - by Robert Handle - My wife is a woman to be reckoned with. It is for this reason that when it comes to her darker side, her sexual needs often include domination by a man, or men, who treat her as if she were nothing more than a common whore off the streets. I came to realize this need rather slowly in our relationship, but once I grasped the depth of this passion, I have learned to use it to our mutual satisfaction.(MF, FF, voy, exh, intr)
My Wife 3 - by Robert Handle - Kristi and I are inclined to make wagers between ourselves, wagers which do not involve money. We bet slave hours, that is to say, we will bet three slave hours on a football game, or a hockey event, and the loser will pay the bet off by being a total slave for however many hours she (or he) has lost. This slavery is redeemable in any form of sexual activity the winner chooses, and often it involves humiliation and degradation, such as the time I ordered Kristi to show her pussy to a woman in an elevator, or to ask a carriage driver in New York if she could touch his horse's cock. (MF, FF, voy, exh, intr)
My Wife 4 - by Robert Handle - A lot of men tell me that they'd like to fuck her, to stick their cocks in my wife's pussy, but lose their nerve when the opportunity arises. I've seen men who could talk a great game, but when it comes to performance, they were unable to maintain an erection in front of the two of us as Kristi made herself available to the new man. I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that most men don't fuck women in front of their husbands...but if a man really wants to turn my wife on, that is what he must do...or at least be willing to do it.(MF, FF, voy, exh, intr)
My Wife 5 - by Robert Handle - This is the fifth of a series about my wife, Kristi. If you've read the others, you know what a little slut she can be, and you're by now figuring out just how little it takes to get her to spread her legs, or open her mouth for you. She enjoys being humiliated, and over the years, we've come to use humiliation as a regular part of our sexual union. Oddly enough, it doesn't seem to matter who's being humiliated, nor who the humiliater is. (MF, FF, voy, exh, intr)
My Wife 6 - by Robert Handle - This is the sixth of a series about my wife, Kristi. If you've been following these stories, you realize by now that to properly fuck my wife, an element of humiliation should be present. I don't know why this is, but it is, and I've learned to use this to my advantage. The more she's humiliated, particularly in public, the hotter she gets.(MF, FF, voy, exh, intr)
Next Door Neighbors - by Anonymous - A story about the next door neighbor man, and a young mother and daughter. (MFf, voy)
New Boy In School - by J. Michael Blake - Transfer student Jim Hawkens find sex and romance in his home room with two very willing girls. (mf, mast, oral, young)
New Girl At Work - by Cynthia MacFadden - The new girl at work gets hypnotized and fucked by one of her unscrupulous co-workers. (Mdom/F, mc)
Newest Cheerleader - by PIXNIX Author - The new girl gets to know her fellow Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders in a most intimate way. (FFF, MF)
On A Rooftop - by Kristen - A story that I wrote about a short weekend vacation my boyfriend and I took to San Francisco. (MF, exh)
Parking With Jennifer - by Mr. Ed - An English girl, and what she's willing to do on her date. (MF, oral)
Peepers Paradise - by Mona - Pretty Sandi gets peeped at by a voyeur, who watches her without her knowledge. (voy, dog/f, bond)
Playboy - by Putz - She was about 20 and had a body that Hugh Hefner would have killed to have appear in Playboy. What really caught his attention, though, was her face. It was the most innocent and angelic face he had ever seen. (MF)
Poetry Reading - by Lord Malinov - This story was written for me and my friend Kim by Lord Malinov. I liked it, so added it to my personal archive. (FFM)
Pregnant Girl - by PIXNIX Author - A girls story about sex and pregnancy. "Hot streams of milk washed my chest, and I could feel her pussy contract on me as her hands urged milk from the nipple. Timing my thrusts to her tit-milking, we brought her to the brink, and held her there for many seconds..." (MF, preg)
Privacy - by Frank McCoy - A mother catches young daughter peeking at her older brother masturbating, and disciplines the daughter. (mf, inc, voy, ped)
Private Dancer - by Kristen - This story takes place in Munich Germany, at an establishment called the Pink Pussy~. The location; a "very private" club that caters to a special clientele. (M/F-teen, F/F-teen, exh)
Pussy Sundae - by KKK Bonace - My name is Maureen, and I'm taking the time to write this to help out other women who might have the same problem as myself. My dilemma was simple. I married a wonderful, secure, attractive man, whom I adore. I also adore having my pussy eaten, and unfortunately, my husband, who's not normally a picky eater, stops one step short of hair pie. (MF, wife-cheat)
Runners - by BER - Kathy meets a man on the runners trail and stops to have sex with him. (MF)
Seattle Glory Hole - by Bill Dennis - A young woman visits an adult ex shop, just to experience a glory hole. (MF, oral, first)
Semester Break - by Lisa and Sharon - A story about Michelle and Marty, two college students that get to know each other just a little bit better than most. (FF)
Sex Club - by Bear - The sex club as a most amazing theater. Circular, its perimeter was a ring of spotlighted alcoves under columned arches, in the style of a medieval church. Also well lit, but less brightly, was the main floor. It was terraced like a small stadium with a round playing field; everyone in it was easily visible, and every surface was heavily padded. (MF, exh,orgy)
Sex Shop In Amsterdam - by Keiko - During my visit to Amsterdam I discovered that sex is not looked upon as it is in the USA. It is much more open and viewed as a natural part of living. In fact this is a "clothing optional" country. I did not realize what this meant until later on during my visit. (F/exh)
Shampoo - Hairs To Kristen - by J Cartwright - My hair was starting to get really ragged looking, and I was seriously contemplating cutting it myself when I spotted an ad in our local paper announcing that Kristen had joined the staff of one of the local beauty salons, and that she was welcoming new customers. (MF, shampoo)
Sibling Revelry - by Heatheranne - A brother and sister story with a twist. (mf, inc, mast, voy)
Sitter-Cam - by Pervitron - The beautiful young babysitter gets caught on film dominating her young charge. Then she turns her talents to the boys father. (Mf, fdom/m, fetish)
Slow Dancing With A Stranger - by The Erotic Pen - A couple slow dance, then find passion in the hotel restroom. (MF, exh)
Snowfall - by Lord Malinov - A Malinov romance written for me. (MF)
Step Sis with the Devilish Hands - by Schulzie - Young stepbrother gets the experience of his life, when his older stepsister and her friend decide to play a trick on him. (ffdom/m, mast)
Substance "4" - by Storysman - What an amazing gift he had received in the Substance. What an incredible, wonderful liquid he was able to acquire that melted the barriers to his dreams like an acid. What woman was there he couldn't bed? What woman was there he couldn't seduce? Drop-dead gorgeous, and the substance would seduce her. Happy with her boyfriend, the substance would seduce her. Married, motherly, or conservative and the substance would seduce her. (MF, mc, drugs, voy)
Taking it in the Shorts - by Jamie Phillips - A well written story about a girl who liked to make boys cum in their shorts. (Mf, mast, oral, first).
Tammy and The Boss Man - by Pervitron - Young wife wants a baby, but the couple can't seem to produce an offspring. Then Tammy falls for her Black boss, and finally gets what she wants. (MF, wife-cheat, intr, preg)
Terri has a Good Time - by Terri Lane - A story about a girl who has sex with anything that moves just about. (FF, MF, inc, beast)
Thailand - A Bangkok Slaver Story - by Marlissa - A mother and daughter become sex slaves in Thailand. (M+/Ff, nc, dom, intr)
Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4
Thank You - by Emil - I'm not quite sure how it began, but the scene and the ground rules were clear: Cindy, Sharyn and I were in Cindy's apartment and the two women were willing partners for just about anything. (FF, MF, voy)
Thanks Sis - by Anonymous - A sister helps her gay brother find friends and happiness. (mm, mf, inc)
The Cookie Monster - by Rhymer - Another father daughter story, entitled, "Tickle Monster." (Fm, inc)
The Deed - by Lisa and Sharon - (See Billy and Jilly also) Billy's parents decided to go camping for the weekend. After an eloquent bit of oratory, Billy secured his parents permission to stay home alone while they went camping. Of course, Billy's sister Mary was much too young to stay home without parental supervision so she would be going with her parents. As soon as he could, without anyone else in the house knowing, Billy raced to the phone to call Jilly. (mf, youth, first)
The Girlfriend - by Spoonbender - I'm not what you'd call a genius. Truth I'm kinda dumb, I have trouble fussing out things that other people find easy. Its not that I don't wanna think, its just that it hurts. People laugh when I say that, but its true. Anyway I can't see why I should make my head hurt if I have someone to think for me. Like my girlfriend. (MF, gang rape)
The Prey - by Doug Reade - She stood in the low brush not ten feet away, lit by an errant shaft of sunlight, and looking at him through wide blue eyes. Ten years old, no more, with long blonde hair framing an impossibly pretty face before falling in soft curls to the middle of her chest. She embodied his dream better even than he knew, and even through his shock he could feel the hunger shrieking. She shivered for a second, then was again still. (Mf, ped, alien)
The Rules - by the Lecherous Professor - A story about how to pick up college girls. (MF, youth)
The Slave - by Neil - A couple takes in a relative and soon turn her into their sex slave. (MFdom/F, FF, mast)
Trapped and Jerked Off by the Neighbor Kids - by Shaved Jerry - Another story where Shaved Jerry gets seduced by young girls. (Mff, ped, mast)
Transfer Student - by Kristen - Robyn Berry is a junior in high school who has become a transfer student when her father had to move the family to Colorado in the middle of the school year. Robyn had been attending a Catholic school near her old home, now she has to accustom herself to life in public school, and all the peer-pressure that goes along with it. (A coming of age story of sorts)(MF-teens, rp, v, blkmail, exh)
Troublemaker - by Pervitron - Oh, she was hot today, walking out of our bedroom like she was on a runway. White cotton top and skirt, with a bare midriff. "Columbia" in blue letters across her chest: we'd be playing with coed snatch, boys. The skirt was short enough to show off her long dancer legs. White, out of the box sneakers completed the overall look of some spoiled rich girl, alone in the big city, far away from the daddy that paid for it all. (MF, voy, rp)
Uncle Jayle Jay - by Cow Doo Do - Summery of story: Male relative retires to family homestead in deep south, only to discover the joys of southern comfort, and southern women. (Mf, Mm, Ff, inc, ped)
Upstairs - by Generic Jo - I heard it the first time the day we moved my girlfriend into her new apartment. We'd gotten the furniture situated, the bed put together, and the sheets unpacked. We were exhausted and even though boxes were strewn around her apartment, we just wanted to go to bed. We hadn't put up any of the clocks, so I had no clue what time it was, but it was late. And there were squeaky noises coming from the apartment upstairs. (MF)
Watchdog - by Jennifer - "The first time this happened was over a year ago when I was 20. But I'll have to start back when I went away to college when I was 18 so that you will fully understand..." (F,dog)
Watching Mom - by Lisa Graves - Paul moved quietly along the side of the house, hoping his eyes would adjust to the dark so that he wouldn't go tripping across a hose or some booby-trap left by his 5 year old brother. He kept his eyes fixed on the window 30 feet ahead from which a pale light was barely reaching out into the night. (Fm, ped, inc)
White Bride: The Honeymoon Suite - by Joyrider - An interesting story about mistaken identity, and sex in the bedroom between an intruder and a new bride. (MF, wife-rape, alcohol, intr)
Wicked Lovemaking - by Anonymous - (10 Part Series) About a mother and her two sons. - "My name is Annabel, but everyone calls me Anna or just Bel. We, that is, my then 15-year-old-son John, and his younger brother Tim, lived out on the planes of Texas. We had lived here ever since the dreadful accident that changed my life in a brutal way. The story I'm about to relate is how our relationship turned from what would be called "normal" into something incestious..." (Fmm, inc, preg, milk, breast, lact, breastfeed, cons)
Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4 -
Part 5 -
Part 6 -
Part 7 -
Part 8 -
Part 9 -
Part 10
With Tattoos - by Cozmo - She had open innocent grey-green eyes and freckles everywhere, and pert little breasts that pressed hard little nipples against the satin blouse she wore. On her hands were many silver rings, and peeking from her blouse was a large flower tattoo that I imagined painted most of her left breast. (MF)
Young Kathy Bensen - by Tom - Kathy Benson was eleven years old. She was no more naive than other girls her age, and she knew no more about sex than her contemporaries. She knew how babies were made, but little else. Kathy had never had a sexual thought or urge. She had never masturbated. She was a young girl who played with dolls and sometimes giggled like a child. Kathy strikes up a relationship with her older cousin. Mom makes it easy for them. (mf, inc, ped)