This page is an on-going effort to build as large a selection as possible. If you know of a site not listed, please e-mail it for inclusion in this page. If you find that a link is dead, please let us know about it. Enjoy!
Special Free Resources Below Free Story Sites FAQ
This is the link to Free Story Sites FAQ which list most of the author run websites from the erotic writers community on the Internet. This site will grow as time goes on. Thank you Anne for a great resource.
The Story Archive
The Moderated Newsgroup Archive is open again! It is being hosted by ASSTR. This archive hosts "ALL" of the stories submitted to the moderated group in an indexed archive. There are thousands of stories here.
= Alphabetical
Quick Jump Menu =
- A -
ABSTRACTERS LIBRARY - I am a new writer to this genre but a long time reader. I have found a lot of very good characters, stories and ideas on this site. What has always driven me crazy is that the genre is not taken seriously. I am trying to write stories using the proper writing techniques of theme, plotting, character development, conflict and emotional impact. I want people to walk away from reading my stories and feel something for the characters; if that's either love or hate I don't care. I want them to think of them as real people and that they have experienced the action of the story with them. I would like people to read the story and not have the words get in the way. (An Author Site)
ADMIRAL CARTWRIGHT - Admiral Cartwright's crowning achievement (and his 'swan song'? Only time will tell...) follows the saga of Sarah and Sandra, 12-year-old twins from opposite sides of the globe. (An Author Site)
ADRIAN HUNTER & CHELSEA SHEPARD BONDAGE FICTION - Well written bondage stories as well as other author works within the same topic. (An Author Site)
AKASHA'S WEB - Welcome back. It has taken some time to get the page moved, but I'm thrilled to be here. There are just a couple of sections that need to be updated, but most of the site is here.
ALL EXTREME STORIES - An archive of nothing but extreme sexual experiences. Yes, they're fiction, but none the less, they're extreme. (An Archive site)
ALLME ARCHIVES - This site is devoted to publishing any and all kinds of sex stories contributed by our readers. Everything here has been sent to us because someone wanted to share their story with others. (An Archive site)
AMAZONS ARENA TALL AND HUGE WOMEN - Submit your TALL and HUGE WOMEN FANTASY stories to The Amazons Arena. If we like 'em they will be published here and in the News Groups. All Stories submitted remain the Property of the Author--we don't want to own them.
AIMING TO AROUSE - Random erotica, some reality, some fantasy, some fantasy based on reality, some current, some past, some mine, some inspired by others, some new, some published previously, some tame, some wild, all of it aiming to arouse. (Erotic Blog)
ANNABELLE'S DUNGEON - Welcome to my dungeon. Are you prepared to explore the depths of human depravity? Enjoy my erotic stories of the dark side. Beware! Many of the stories inside are not for timid souls.
ANNE'S EROTIC STORY ARCHIVE - Why do I write? The easiest answer to this would be 'because I have to'. And yet, less than two years ago I didn't need to, so it's a strange answer. Once I started to write I suppose I realized that I enjoyed it, and that not writing left me wanting in some way. This is not a comment about my sex life as some seem to think. At the moment I have a very satisfying one, so it's not lack of sex that has me writing. When I'm writing I get a thrill out of creating a good story (or trying to). Now, when I have writer's block - I can't tell you why anyone would want to write! (An author site.)
ANN CORY: APHRODISIACS FOR THE MIND - Indulge in Ann Cory's exotic pleasures of the mind. From subtle to carnal, romantic to paranormal, lighthearted to risqué, there is a wide range of literary stimulation to savor.
ANTHEROS'S WORKS - Sex must be mixed with tears, laughter, words, promises, scenes, jealousy, envy, all the spices of fear, foreign travel, new faces, novels, stories, dreams, fantasies, music, dancing, opium, wine. --- Anaïs Nin (An author site)
APACHE'S ADULT STORY PAGE - Stories written by the author and others. (An author site)
APRILLE'S EROTIC STORIES - Author of the Annie's Dad Series, about a young girl who is loved and taken advantage of my her best friend's father.
LIZ ARDWALL - The author's stories explore sexual relations - sometimes casual, sometimes romantic. Most of the stories are about interracial relationships, as told from the point of view of a Caucasian female. (An author site)
ART MARTIN'S SALACIOUS TAILS - This site is dedicated to stories of screwing, butt fucking, muff diving, cock sucking, and other fun activities. (An author site)
ASHLEY AND ME - I'm just your basic married guy. The kind of married guy who logs on to Ashley Madison, looking for women to have sex with. And then writes about it. View my complete profile. Go ahead, do it! (An author site)
ASIAN SEX STORIES - Welcome to the "Asian Sex Stories Archive"! This archive is a collection of erotica that has appeared in the Usenet newsgroup, or in with an 'asian' heading. Some of the stories are based on fact, some are not. The purpose of this site is to make these stories available to the public. Nothing more and nothing less.
ASS ADULT SITE SURFER & REVIEWS - We introduce Adult Site Surfer, your guide to the world of online pornography. Our goal at ASS is simple - we want to improve your surfing experience. We believe that using ASS to search will help you find exactly what you're looking for. We try to be as widespread as possible when selecting adult sites to review. Whether it's hardcore porn or the girl next door, a porn star, a nude model, or a traditional porn site, we try to cover all the bases. If you have a particular fetish or want to recommend an adult web site for us to review, please do.
A STRANGE GEEK - This is your portal to the erotic literature of the one know as A Strange Geek. I hope you will find something to your liking in these archives. (An author site.)
ASTER'S, MARK SHORT STORIES - The Famous author of erotic short stories for the Internet. A treat for the eyes and mind. (An author site.)
AURORA UNIVERSE - The super hero erotic story page. There are many super hero stories and series offered here. Very professionally done free site.
THE AUTOEROTICROBOT - Here is a very basic-level posting of things I have written and posted, as well as some works-in-progress.
AUSSIE GREG'S FREE ASIAN STORIES Welcome to my Free Asian Stories Site. Asian sexfight stories and Asian catfight stories. In my 50 years I have been married to a Japanese, Vietnamese, Chinese and currently a Filipina and have had relationships with other Vietnamese, a Filipina and a Thai. Some of these free Asian catfight stories and Asian sexfight stories are 60 to 70 % true, others I have been told by friends, relatives or witnesses of the participants, and the remainder are what I would like to see, based on my experiences with Asian women.
- B -
BARON GLIES' LIBRARY - I'm Baron Glies and this is my personal library of erotic fiction. Here you will find only original peices that I have written myself. I'm just getting started so at the moment the library is quite small. But check back soon, I hope to be adding to it regularly. (An author site)
BEASTIALITY STORIES - A collection of bestiality, incest and violent sex stories that are broken down into categories. The site claims to be free, but be prepared to register to gain access. (An Archive)
BEATING OFF BOB's STORIES - I write stories primarily about young love, often in an incestuous setting, and almost always involving pregnancy or the risk of pregnancy. (An author site)
BE GENTLE BUT FIRM ROMANTIC EROTICA - This site contains a decent selection of well written erotica by the author. Worth the time to visit. (An author site)
BEN WA STORIES - Betty, a brilliant college co-ed with a huge submissive streak was transformed by Hal, a graduate psychology student, from being a fat girl with poor complexion & rotten self-image into the woman she (& he) always desired. Both have fertile imaginations when it comes to sexual fantasies. Here are a few of their favorites. The story of the transformation is coming soon.(An author site)
BERNIE'S SITE - A collection of the author's works as well as fan-art and links to other sites. (An author site)
BEYOND YOU AND ME - Welcome to the world of the novel-in-blogress, BEYOND YOU & ME, by W. S. Cross. A journey of personal discovery about Cassie DiMarco, a 24 year-old Yale grad student's wife from Philadelphia. Based on a real journal recounting her adventures during the Sexual Revolution. To Yale, she's "nothing more than a secretary," yet this modern Cinderella awakens from her slumber to find happiness, thanks to the Women's Movement and her own remarkbable abilities. (An author site)
BLACK DEMON STORY SITE - See beautiful and sexy starlets help bring Black Demon stories to life!Now you can not only read about but see it all unfold in live action - watch Black Demon's big black bucks and lusty Asian bastards scheme and plot their way into the panties of beautiful white wives! (An author site.)
BLACKSTAR ORBIT - There are some interesting male domination stories on this site, although you will need Adobe Reader to view them.
STEVE BLACK'S STORIES ARCHIVE - "I've always been something of a writer. I've worked for several different newspapers and written many different kinds of stories, so I'd like to think I'd know what the heck I'm doing. So why *these* stories? Each story has its own reasons behind it, but basically, it's a way for me to express myself and my feelings." (An author site.)
BLOODY SAVAGE - Come to me and leave your innocence behind, like the blacksmith I shall mold you in the forge of your own desire. (Story Blog)
THE BLUE PAGES - "As my dodecahedron proves, I have many interests and facets, erotica being one of them. So, I have gathered some links and things of interest to me from a sexual standpoint. You can visit the lighter or the darker side of my sexual interest." (An author site.)
BLUEPERVINA: EROTIC FICTION & POETRY - Erotic stories and poems focusing on themes of sexual discovery, exploring new perversions, and breaking tabboos. Story categories include: anal, bondage/domination, confessional, incest, scat, cyber, school days, real life, and voyeur. (An author site.)
BOBBI JO'S CORNER - Author of Good Wife University series and other erotic short stories. (Author Site)
BRAZEN HEROINE - Love is in the air. Since the launch of my site, tons of fan mails have continuously flooded in, expressing your undying love, support and adoration for me, my gorgeous Fantasy hunks and Fantasy heroines. I am most thrilled that many of you enjoyed reading my short stories, interviews and articles, especially those published by PLAYGIRL magazine. Yes, I hear your request for more erotic stories and you can rest assured that I will be posting more. (Author Site)
SUSIE BRIGHT STORIES - STATE OF THE UNION STORIES - "Why did I write Sexual State of the Union? Because no one else had the balls to, I guess. Many times I have felt like a reluctant sexpert, or intimidated by the burden it takes to expose sexual dishonesty and illusions. Sex is the number one thing that people lie about, and I often feel it is inordinately threatening to say something simple and true." (An author site.)
BRADLEY STOKE - Welcome to the Wonderful World of Bradley Stoke wherein is featured erotic fiction that is witty, weird and profound. There are five novels and novellas: ‘Degrees of Intimacy’, ‘Alice’, ‘Innocence Lost’, ‘Emma’ and ‘Escape from Buggery’. There are also many erotic short stories for those with less time and patience.
(An author site.)
BRITSLUT'S SLUTTY STORIES - Britslut is a respectable married Englishwoman in her forties. My kids have grown up and left home and my husband works away a lot. I have dark fantasies which were taking up too much of my time. I found that writing them down was a good way of exorcising them. Do I wish that the things I write about will happen, or had happened, to me? I don't know ... in another life maybe. Anyway I hope that they will strike a chord with some of you out there. (An author site.)
- C -
CACTUS JUGGLER'S EVIL LAIR - I have this crazy new plan to be more productive than ever, to release more stories than I ever have before. I've been organizing my story fragments for the last couple of weeks, and I've put all the ones with any meat to them into this folder. As you can see that's 251 text files.
CAMILLA'S EROTIC ARCHIVES - Back in 1993, I started writing erotica. I found a woman named Susan who ran an adult site, and to drive traffic to her site, she posted other people's stories. I was one of her contributors. The site died out, but I did not want these stories to die out as well. Here is my attempt to save these erotic stories. (Archive)
CANDY KANE STORIES - Lesbian based stories written with an erotic bent. (An author site)
CAROL CABLER FAN FICTION - Hello and Welcome to my Fan Fiction page on the Web. Here you will find my version of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. To speed up the loading process I have divided it into chapters. So please, get comfy and enjoy my story.
CDE WIFE CUCKOLD STORIES - An extensive collection of the authors cuckold stories are indexed in this FTP site hosted by ASSTR.
CELEB SEX STORIES ARCHIVE - This archive solely hosts erotic stories dealing with celebrities - not stories dealing with TV-characters. Each celebrity who is represented with more than one story will be displayed with a picture. CSSA also supports wrestling stories - stories are listed under the wrestler's name.
CELEBRITY MC'S MIND CONTROL STORIES - Welcome to my story website. This site is dedicated to Timestop and MC stories I enjoy as well as my own efforts. Most of the images you'll find in the stories will be created by Poser 4 and Bryce 4. This is just the beginning of the site but hopefully you'll find something of interest here.
CIANA ROSE EROTIC STORIES - Desire and domination...seduction and submission...passion and the pen Explore the softer side of D/s. Some of the individual contents and the collection of this site is copyright by Ciana Rose. (Author site and archive)
THE COLBALT JADE WEBSITE - How I became a pornographer - it just happened. Really. I've always had these bizarre fantasies, and imagine my surprise when I found out there was an audience for them. These stories are also a useful way to practice my writing technique, as I also write other types of fiction and nonfiction. In fact, I recommend it to all writers. (An author site.)
CONVENT LIBRARY - Welcome to our library of erotic nun fiction. If you've ever fantasized about having sex with a nun or about nuns having sex, this is the place where your dreams come true!
CRIMSOM DRAGON STORIES - This author site contains a selection of short stories and the series Time out of time, which is a long story delving into the darker side non-consentual bondage and discipline intended to have a moralistic viewpoint. (An author site.)
- Here you will find erotica, erotic stories, sex stories, naughty stories, fantasies you would never wish to live out, but you just might enjoy reading them.
CynTil8Ing STORIES - "No, I'm sorry to say that you won't find pictures of naked women doing strange things with vegetables or household appliances on this page. Nor will you find pictures of couples of any sort engaged in intimate acts. In fact, you won't find any pictures at all. I think the imagination is the most erotic body part, and it is that part that I want to stimulate. So, if you're of legal age, and want to read these stories for fun, and not to gather evidence to use against me in a court of law, come on in." (An author site.)
THE OFFICIAL LADY CYRRH WEBSITE - "This site has been built with the intent of serving as an archive for my reviews of adult sex stories posted on various newsgroups. I also intend it to serve as a library of links to the websites of the writers and a place where those websites can be reviewed. Its contents are copyrighted 1997 by me, Lady Cyrrh, and express my opinions and my opinions only."
- D -
D/S EROTICA - Extensive story series, including Amazon Rage, The Femdom Diaries and Quick Captures to name a few. (An author site.)
DARK DESIRES INTERRACIAL ILLUSTRATED STORIES - For many white couples, there's nothing in the world quite like the husband taking photos or videotaping the action, as the wife gets stuffed full of the big, black dick she craves (and deserves!). Do you have a true-to-life interracial experience you'd like to share, with photos or video captures to prove it? Maybe you just want to read about (and see a part of) someone else's experience?.
DARK PEN'S WRITINGS - This site contains Stories by Dark Pen. Almost all contain BDSM/WS/MC and whatever else I decided to throw into the mix. (Author site)
DARK WANDERER'S CHEATING WIFE STORIES - The Dark Wanderer site was born in 1996, and is one of the largest collections of free slut wife, interracial and cuckold stories in the world. A Slut Wife story is an erotic tale about a hot and sexy wife who goes outside the marriage for her fun, and a forgiving, submissive, excited or unaware husband.
DAVID'S ARCHIVE - I've created this page for the convience of my friends, who can review and read my story output here. One of these days, I'll put some pretty graphics on this page, but for right now you'll just have to put up with the plain text. Important note: None of these stories are in the public domain. All are copyright by David Lawrence. (An author site.)
DESIRE-X - My Beloved; In the darkest of my nights your words have always found me, brought me back to where I needed to be. You are the only man who has ever understood me so completely. (An erotic blog)
DESPERATE WHITE WIVES - This author site contains all the stories written by Karen Kay, who specializes in interracial sex stories of all kinds.
DIANA THE VALKYRIE'S LIBRARY - You can ask Sandra the Valkyrie to search the library for you. (An archive)
DIMITRI'S ONLINE ARCHIVE - Dimitri's Online Archive offers many stories by Dimitri that cover all types of Celebrity stories. Also at his archive is the complete up to date collection of MAW's Celebrity Hypno series. This is a great site for people who wish to read fantasies about celebrities. (An author site in FTP format.)
DIRTY DEBBIE'S DIARY - For your birthday, your aunt gave you a maple syrup dispenser shaped like a rooster. Please write her a thank-you note: Dear Aunt Jane, Thank you for the sticky, dripping cock. Love, Dirty Debbie. (An Author site)
THE DIRTY DETAILS - True erotic confessions of our sexual pasts. Written by the handsome and well endowed male The Fury and the sexy and curvy female Phoenix . Everything is true. Names (including ours) have been changed to protect the dirty and freaky. (An Author's Blog)
D. MUSGRABE'S HIDDEN TREASURES - It is my wish that you'll find something in Hidden Treasures to capture your imagination. A wide range of genres are covered: Fantasy, Voyeurism, Noir, D/S, Bisexuality, XXX, and even a bit of humor. (An author site.)
- Stories about snuff, torture, rape and even a few consensual ones. You can pretty much expect the unusual here. (An author site)
THE DOLCETT ARCHIVES - This is an archive of putrid erotica for those looking for the unusual and slightly beyond the pale. Not for the weak of stomach, this collection of images and stories.
ANN DOUGLAS EROTIC STORIES ARCHIVE - A few years back I decided to try my hand at erotic fiction. Since then I've picked up a few fans and the list of stories has continued to grow. So presented here for your entertainment are my simple tales. I hope you enjoy them and will take a moment or two to drop me a line telling me what you thought.
DUTCH HUTCH - A self described "Light Erotic Reading" The Hutch is sort of a family erotic stories page. You'll have to see it to understand. (An author site.)
- E -
ELECTRONIC WILDERNESS PUBLISHING - Electronic Wilderness Publishing, known to its members and staff as EWP. Inside this site you will find literature. (An archive)
EROS, LOGOS - 30 June 2005 - My first post! I wanted to record my experiences with P. He's opened me up to a whole new world. A world of eroticism and submission. And though we may never meet... he's already penetrated me. This will be the record of that journey. Dedicated to eros: erotic love, and to logos: the word. (Author's Blog)
EROTIC HA - Funny erotica may be the hardest type to write. It's also definitely in the minority. Any other possible subject that you can imagine (and a few I'd rather never have heard of) are represented in full measure, but light-hearted, silly stories are few and far between. There are a few, here and there, depicting absurd situations or unlikely encounters or even just funny dialogue and they're what I troll for as I make my way through the lower
EROTICA LEE1: CLOSE YOUR EYES - Most men and women are forced to play parts for which they have no qualifications…
The world is a stage, but the play is badly cast. Oscar Wilde – ‘Lord Arthur Savile’s Crime’ (A Blog)
EROTICA READER'S & WRITER'S ASSOCIATION - The Erotica Readers & Writers Association, dedicated to readers and writers of erotica since 1996, is a popular oasis for the finest in original erotic fiction and poetry, intriguing articles about authorship, author resources, and calls for submissions. Also included: the ins and outs of sexuality, and up-to-date information about erotica, adult videos and sex toys.
EROTIC FABLES.COM - We want women and men to enjoy our site, and to feel safe while here. This site does feature erotic writing intended for adult audiences only, but will not carry stories containing bestiality, sex with minors, incest, or violence.
EROTIC PEN - The Erotic Pen is a compendium of thoughts and dreams and hopes, words woven sensually to arouse every sense. The writings of Michelle Houston will stir your heart and your flesh, upon every visit.
EROTIC QUILL - The Erotic Quill is set up on the order of a castle. Each room or area listed below holds a group of stories that seem to fit the theme. Please browse them all, read all you want, and come back soon.
EROTIC STORIES BY MAGOON - "Jodi Goes to Med School" series written by this author in 24 chapters so far as of March 2010. (An archive site)
EROTIC STORIES.COM - A most excellent archive of erotic author's stories. This site has great search engines, and voting capabilities, as well as author contact links. But to view it for free you'll have to write a story and send it in, otherwise they charge for access. (An archive site)
EROTIC WOMAN, THE - Welcome to the home of The Erotic Woman, the web's hottest collection of porn and erotica for a discerning audience. Sex stories, galleries, audio erotica, movies...a FREE feast of pleasure. (A story archive)
ESKIMO STORIES - Hi ya'll! I finally decided to post a web site to go along with the stories I have here on ASSTR. I first started reading stories off of the newsgroups back in '95 when I got my first computer, and have been hooked reading new ones, and finding sites that are free that have good stories. Free is the key word here. I have yet to pay to read or view anything, nor will I ever do such a thing.
EXCESSICA FREE READ - E-Books are available in .HTML (web) .PDF (Adobe) .LIT (Microsoft Reader) .PRC (Mobipocket) .PDB (Palm Doc) KML (Hiebook) or .RB (Rocketbook) format and will be delivered via email within 24 hours of request. Click any cover below to see details and join eXcessica’s yahoo group to be updated on newly added FREE READS!
EXTREME SEX STORIES - This site has banners, but it qualifies as a story archive. Its specialty is "extreme stories, mostly non-consensual...
E.Z. RITER - A web site were the author's stories can be found...
- F -
F-CYNYR - A voyager sailing under an alien sky, on this tumultuous sea of fate, it has taken me beyond all that i know, all that i held as dear, all that once i believed, the soul aches for certainty, but that is not my fate. (An Author Site.)
EROTIC WORKS OF FRENULUM - Elements you’ll find repeatedly in my stories, in various combinations and listed here in no particular order: submissive women; cum play including facials and snowballing; M/F and M/f spanking; middle-aged men with younger women; mind control; resigned consent (see below); romantic love; virginity surrendered. (An Author Site.)
FETISH DOLL - Read about a girl named Paula who goes from good school girl to bad little fetishdoll. (An Author Site.)
FICTION WRITER #13 - I'm a man of many perversions, all of them stored safely in my mind. I'm actually pretty vanilla in real life. So for those of you who want to know if I've ever done the things I write about?
FEMALE CAPTIVES - These stories deal mostly, though not exclusively, with non-consensual BDSM themes. Some of my fiction is set in the "real" world of the present day or the historical past, but I also write stories set in imaginary fantasy worlds. (An author site)
FIRST TIME STORIES - "FirstTime is interested in hearing the story about the first time you made love! So drop by and tell us about it! While you're here you can read some of the stories submitted by other people. Maybe you'll even learn something!"
FLYING PEN - I started writing erotica because of the lack of good writing on Instead of complaining about it, I wrote. The response that I got was so overwhelming that I kept on doing it. I guess I do it because I have been told by enough people that I'm good at it. (An Author Site.)
FORBIDDEN FANTACIES COLLETION - Here, you'll find reviews of erotic stories of the "forbidden" genres — blackmail, incest, rape, underage participants, and more. When I created this website, I did it for two main reasons: There aren't many sites that focus on this genre and too many web-sites will post simply anything. That won't happen here! All the stories on this site are hand-picked, reviewed, and graded to make sure they meet the highest standards of good "forbidden" erotica.
FREE SEX STORY LIBRARY - Free Sex Story is dedicated to capturing your imagination with a new erotic story every month. Approximately every four weeks you will see a new story of the month - free to read at your convenience. This story will no doubt be an amazing read. You can then go through our archives and get lost in an erotic world for days. For ideas and a glimpse at what our site will look like in the future please see our story categories section.
- G -
GENTLE BUT FIRM ROMANTIC EROTICA - My interest is mostly in romantic erotic stories. I've written a few, and there are over 70 available on the site currently. (An author site)
GIRL DIRECTORY - This is a place to hook up with call girls, but it also has a nice selection of well written stories that you can have free access to.
GIRL FRIDAY'S FANTASY FILES - Pull up a chair and make yourself comfortable. I hope you enjoy your visit... (An author site)
GIRLS LOVING GIRLS - This site contains stories of an erotic and Non-Erotic nature dealing with and supporting the idea that young girls being attracted to other like aged girls is perfectly natural and excepted.
- This site contains a collection of short stories about citizens of a sex-obsessed yet sexually ambivalent global village reacting to the attractions, relationships, social taboos, power struggles, lusts and fears that complicate their otherwise mundane lives and interrupt their endless and largely unsuccessful search for self-identity. (An Archive of stories)
GOLDLEADER'S CELIBRITY STORIES - A selection of mind control stories written by the author, and made available to the public free of charge.
GROMET'S SELF BONDAGE AND MUMMIFICATION - Self Bondage, Mummification, Latex Bondage, Bondage, BDSM, Stories, Techniques, Pictures. (Archive)
- H -
HAVING YOUR CAKE AND EATING IT TOO - For many years I was resolutely vanilla and then everything changed. This is how, why and when I woke up and smelt the roses... and with whom. (An author site)
HEATHEN'S HIDEOUT - Stories of romantic erotic love, with a bent toward epic stories, both in the here and now and in the fantasy of the author's mind. An interesting mix of stories. (An author site)
HEATHERANNE'S EROTIC STORY PAGE - Great author of erotica, including both celebrity/television sitcom stories, and other types of erotic stories. You'll love em.
HEN HOUSE, THE - is a growing compilation of erotic sex stories. Erotic stories are romanitc with love, hugs, and kisses. Sex stories are balls out, hardcore fucking and all stories are uncensored. (A story site)
HISTOIRES TABOUES EN FRANCAIS - Erotic stories in French.
HOOT ISLAND - Hoot Island is dedicated to the belief that sex can be funny and erotic, and that the best sex is often both. Feel free to wander around and view, read and download to your heart's (or whatever's) content. Lots of stories, and much more. Rated a "FUN" site.
HOT JEANNIE'S WORLD - You read about me in the late Stevesaint’s fantastic telling of my life’s story. Now that he’s gone, I figured I would try my hand at this erotic writing stuff. I’m always horny and I’ve had many bisexual experiences in my 47 years, so why not tell the world about them?
HOT WIFE BLOG - TRUE STORIES - Welcome to an extensive blog community about hot wives, swingers, affairs and cuckold husbands. (A story site)
HOTWIFE COMPENDIUM STORIES - This site is for everyone, husbands, wives, boyfriends and girlfriends who love the hotwife lifestyle, voyeurism, exhibitionism and everything inbetween. (A story archive and more)
HUNGREY GUY - I get a lot of my ideas in dreams or while daydreaming in the morning before I get out of bed. I keep pad and pen by my bed at night, and I often wake up with a page of incoherent scribbled notes. The notes are often enough to jog my memory and make me remember my dream, and then I work up a story outline and then put it on my pile of stories-to-write. (An Author Fetish Story Site
HYPNO SLUT CONFESSIONS - Since I was a kid, this has been my erotic fantasy. It began with vampire movies, and was fueled by novels like Felice Picano's The Mesmerist. I never told anyone about it until I was in my late 20's because I thought I was seriously abnormal. Well, I found out that I was, but who cares?
- I -
- Welcome! This site contains some sexy, erotic stories. All stories are written by me (unless otherwise specified) and have been inspired by you or are based on circumstances I have been in. Are they fantasy or reality? You decide. I find that the more I write, the closer to reality my stories become.
INDISCRETION - Marianne is a not-so-innocent married forty-something, calmly observing her own inner battle between caution and exhibitionism. Life without passion isn’t worth living. (An author's blog)
- J -
JAKE'S WONDERWORLD - "A websire of erotic fiction." A story archive broken dow into categories.
JANEY'S PAGE - Nobody gets crushes on 33-year-old slightly overweight vocational counselors who live in the suburbs with two kids in school and perfectly adequate husbands. Except sometimes. So, when it happened to me, I wrote a story about it. Then some more stories. (An author site.)
JENNTILL'S EROTIC LOVE STORIES - Jenn writes all kinds of erotica, from lesbian to romantic hetro stories, soft stories and stories about rape. A style to fit just about anyone's fetish. (An author site.)
JOLIE DU PRE' EROTICA - Although I've written all types of erotica, I've decided to concentrate on lesbian erotica. I’m a bisexual mom with a wonderful husband and two beautiful children. I love Mexico, music, art, writing, reading, gardening, exercising and sex. Not necessarily in that order! (An author site.)
JUDE MASON - MY HAVEN - Erotica author, Jude Mason's personal site where she shares some of her writing. You'll find writings on things softly sensual, to D/s and voyeurism or something totally different that may capture your imagination.
JUSTINE'S EROTIC STORIES BLOG - Hello! My name's Justine and I'd like to welcome you to my Erotic Stories Blog. I love reading and writing erotic stories so I thought I'd start my very own blog to share with you my own self-penned erotic stories, stories from guest writers, links to erotic stories and of course personal musings, rants and raves - well this is a blog :-) Have fun!
- K -
KATANYA'S STORY ARCHIVE - These stories were written by me, and were posted to the newsgroup I have set up this archive so my past stories won't have to be reposted, hopefully saving bandwidth and time.
THE STORIES OF KELLIS - As a subject of investigation, sexual intercourse itself is soon exhausted, but how people persuade themselves to indulge in it is endlessly fascinating. That is the theme of Kellis’s stories. (An Author Site)
KINKABELLA'S EROTIC FICTION & FANTASIES - "A journey into that place between sleep and awake, where you can still remember dreaming..." (A blog)
KINKY EROTIC RAPE FANTASIES - These stories are about women raping men. Most women and men find them quite erotic. I wrote the stories in Dutch first, and some time ago started translating them to English. I got some help from a native Spanish speaker to translate them into Spanish too. (An Author Site)
KIRK'S STORY PAGE - I have recently started writing and appreciate the opportunity ASSTR has given me to share my stories with the Internet community. I am a retired school teacher presently residing in Florida and have some time on my hands to write. Several of my earlier pieces were on the lighter side but my more recent attempts are heavy into humiliation and non-consent. If this doesn't appeal to you, then I don't suggest you read those stories. (An Author Site)
KITTEN CREAM - I love writing, reading and editing erotica. It is a special pleasure to have people read my stories, and even better when you email me with your feedback. (Author site.)
KRISTEN'S WRITTEN WORD - Stories written by Kristen. (Author site.)
- L -
LAMBCHOP'S EROTIC STORIES - Lambchop writes appealing hetro romance stories about well developed characters, and plots. You'll like his descriptive talents. (An author site.)
LADIES WEB.NET - Ladies Web is an erotic writings site designed by a bisexual woman, for women, regardless of their sexuality.
LAURA'S GILMORE GIRLS FAN-FIC STORIES - Gilmore Girls appeals to me because it usually does not dumb down for its audience. The dialogue is quick and funny, the acting is great, and the boys are tasty. ;) Just kidding. It is rare to find a show on tv that truly tries to expand their audience's musical appreciation by exposing them to wonderful non-mainstream bands while simultaneously reminding us of greats. Because as we all know, MTV and VH1 are merely there to remind us that Britney Spears dresses like a hooker. (An author site.)
LEOWULF'S STORY PAGE - Welcome to Leowulf's stories! I write stories about sexual relationships, often between husbands and wives, but sometimes people who are not married. Sometimes they involve underage people. Nothing I have written is real, and nothing I have written is based on real events. (An author site)
LEVUTICUS - Stories primarily based on Bondage and Domination. Here you will see stories about Masters and slaves, and lovers at play. Some will be romantic, some will be light and fun, some will be extremely erotic, while others completely innocent.
LEXTEXT TV AND MOVIES EROTIC STORY ARCHIVE - An extensive archive of Erotic Fan Fiction stories. An FTP site at ASSTR.
JACK C LIPTON'S STORY PAGE - My preferred themes are fairly narrow given the quantity of things that squick me. I also like the idea of romance despite my poor showing in Real Life, which kind of conflicts with the old "in-out, in-out" some may prefer to read. An astute reader will realize that my protagonist is not, well, completely "with it" and has problems to overcome. A case of art reflecting life. (An author site.)
LISA & SHARON'S STORY PAGE - Erotic stories written by two college girls. "It's called teamwork!" (An author site.)
LITERARY METRO - Literary Metro is a free Aussie site celebrating quality erotic stories, poetry and art from around the world.
LITEROTICA - A large archive a free access stories, with links to other sites of ertotica. Also erotic illustrated author stories and pictures. (Archive)
LLIANDRIN'S EROTICA - Hello everyone and welcome to my free adult erotica website! I'm really excited to be able to offer my short erotic stories and pics of the most beautiful, sexy women to you. In my site you will find naughty amateurs, sexy lesbian action, hot blowjobs, and much more. (An author site & archive.)
JOAN E. LLOYD'S STORIES - Erotica for sexual communication? If you want to share a secret desire with your partner, slip a bookmark in a story, article or letter about your desire and give the writing to him or her. You'll be saying something wonderful: that you want to share a secret desire with your one and only. You don't want to find someone new; rather you want to play together. How delicious. (An author site.)
LOSTBOY's OTHER WORLDLY STORY COLLECTION - "I like stories with some sort of other-worldly component, including magic, mind control, science fiction, transformation, transgender, or drugs. Succubi, sentient plants, medusae and vampires are especially pleasing; in fact, any stories that involve some suspension of disbelief. I would also be very pleased to see your submissions." (An archive)
LOST BOY - Assorted stories written by Lost Boy with a general mind control, romantic bent. (An author site.)
LUSH STORIES - Lush is a free adult community website where you can publish, read and comment on erotic stories.
- M -
MACK THE KNIFE'S STORIES - I welcome you to my humble home on the web. Here I am presenting my works of fiction for your perusal and gratification. (An author site.)
MAJOR TOM - Stories in the Bondage gener. (An Author Site.)
JANE MARWOOD - Femdom stories that range from an orphan boy tormented by two girls, to a medical theme with lots of sex and male humiliation. (An Author Site.)
JOURNALS OF LORD MALINOV - The beauty in these pages, courtesy of my good lady wife, Diana. The more I dwell in my writing, the more attracted I am to her. It seems as if all that is good in me finds expression in the way I see her. I spend my hours dreaming of her beauty. I can imagine nothing more satisfying. (This site has a journal of lovemaking to Diana, pictures and prose.) (A favorite Author.)
MARC'S SHORT STORIES - I'm writing about my experiences and fantasies, sometimes mixing them together. My stories will generally be short and relate to M-F encounters. (An author site.)
MARIA'S SITE - Hi, I'm Maria Gonzales. Welcome to Maria's Stories. This is the place to find ALL of my stories, including some that are not available anywhere else. When I finish writing a story, this is the first place that it will be available, and probably the ONLY place. (A favorite Author.)
MARY ANNE MOHANRAJ - I wish I could offer you a cup of tea...since I can't, I invite you to poke through the bookshelves. (Browsing bookshelves is one of the first things I do when I visit a new house...) I'm Mary Anne Mohanraj, author of literary erotica, mainstream lit, poetry, science fiction and fantasy and more writing articles than you can shake a stick at (and a few recipes). I also edit, publish, teach and try to remember to breathe. These pages include original fiction and poems, writer's resources, humor, etc. I hope you enjoy them. Updated pretty close to daily (on the journal page if nowhere else). (An author site.)
FRANK MCCOY'S STORY PAGE - McCoy is a popular author of incest, and pedophilia stories of all kinds. If you're into this type of thing, then you'll love Frank's page. (An author site)
MICHAEL K SMITH - I don't consider what I write to be "pornography." These are short stories that happen to have an explicit sexual content. (An author site)
MIND CONTROL STORY ARCHIVE - The Erotic Mind Control Story Archive by Simon bar Sinister. A categorized archive of erotic mind control stories. This archive is set up to operate fast and friction free. Lots of stories here.
MISS BEHAVEN'S BEDTIME STORIES - For over a year and a half, I've written stories that are different from the majority of those found on the Internet. I write stories with a plot which in most cases has nothing to do with the sex. I believe erotica should be more than just two strangers meeting and jumping each other. That's not what I personally want to read so that's not what I write.
MY FIRST TIME STORIES - If you did it, then you probably remember it! So tell us about your first time. Was it passionate and tender? Or awkward and clumsy? (like most of us...) Chances are, if you've made it this far down the page, there's already a memory or two lurking in the shadows of your mind. So go ahead, indulge yourself.
MY BOTTOM SMARTS - One woman's thoughts and experiences concerning life, love, and spankings. (Blog)
- N -
NAKED IN NEW YORK CITY - Hi..My name is Ian. This is a page I decided to put up with some of my less pure thoughts. I work in Manhattan as a graphic designer for an advertising house in Midtown. My office has about 150 people in it and many beautiful women. I think some dirty thoughts some days and decided to make this page to share some of my stories with all of you. There are three girls in particular at my office that make my knees weak they are the cast of characters.
(An author site.)
THE NAKED TRUTH - I am: more sarsaparilla than you might think. An acquired taste, perhaps, but titillating to the discerning tastebud. (An author blog)
NICK SCIPIO EROTICA - Read about Ethan and Kate in the Jazz Club stories, check out the other short stories, or enjoy the very short stories on the flash & sting fiction page. Plus a lot more features at this well designed website. (An author site.)
NIFTY EROTIC STORIES ARCHIVE - This site is very well done. Mostly Gay stories and pictures. The site is very popular, and receive's many thousands of visitors each day.
NIKOLAI KINGSLEY'S STUFF - Over three hundred thousand words of stories written by me (nikolai) or one of my aspects (or alternate personalities, if you prefer), with some pictures scattered here and there. Original science fiction, fantasy, erotica, unix geek humour, splatterpunk, gothic darkness and the kinds of general oddity that got me voted the fourth weirdest person in talk.bizarre for december of 1995.
- 99 Erotic Notions is a series of fictional erotic reveries of a 25 year old man. Each of the 99 erotic stories can be read independently; however, it might be helpful to read the first erotic story, Erotic Notion #1--The Deal to have an idea of the project's overall frame. Started in 2003. (An Author Site)
NUJBAF'S STORY PAGE - Now what kind of name is Nujbaf? Well it doesn't really mean anything. It is just letters that make sense to me. Anyway, I'm glad you are here. I like to write stories where the characters are put into a position or a situation. They usually involve the wife to be forced by circumstances, tricked or consensually agreed to perform sex with other men or women. If the story turns out to be somewhat plausible, I feel I have accomplished my goal.
- O -
OMEGA PRIME'S GALAXY OF STORIES - I've been writing adult erotica for about four years now, though I've only published a few fairly select, albeit well received stories. The vast majority of these stories deal with erotic domination and submission with an emphasis on erotic orgasm control though I explore other fetishes as well. Most of my earlier stories were written under a different alias, however Doubting Thomas' are always free to contact me under my old email address (which still works) to confirm this Omega dude is who he says he is!! (An Author Site)
ONE IDLE HAND ADULT FICTION - My stories generally fantasize what married life could be like, given a little more adventurous nature on the part of either my wife or myself. Some stories include things that we could, in inspired moments, actually do. Others pose a complete abandonment of morals, and include things that we will never actually do, although it's great fun to think about. (An Author Site)
- P -
PAMI'S STORIES - Hi! I am Pami, a woman who likes to blend MY reality with YOUR fantasy. I write with many different themes... although people seem to remember my bdsm stories more frequently. One thing I try to maintain throughout just about every single story... red-hot and steamy sex! Why don't you read a couple and let me know if you think I have succeeded? (An Author Site)
PANTY BONDAGE - This site contains erotic BDSM fiction written by me, Ricky Slovak, and will be updated from time to time. (An Author Site)
PEACH KISSER - Generally speaking, I write about pedophilia and/or incest, and almost always from a consensual point of view. (An Author Site)
PERDITION'S FLAMES - Cynical. Suspicious. Pessimistic. And those are just a few of his stronger characteristics. Little wonder that Harry Tasker is a writer with a fascination for the darker sides of Man's nature. His noir-flavoured fiction is born of a need to explore desires not brought readily into the light, and of a belief that there is a darkness in us all, a darkness that refuses to be ignored. (An Author Site)
THE PETER FILES - The PeterFiles web site is a non-commercial (truly), personal idiosyncratic effort originating from my obsession with male masturbation and female guidance thereof. I hope that those gentlemen who share my masturbatory addiction and those ladies with interest in male masturbation will find value here.
THE WORLD OF PETER PAN - My stories, although undoubtedly risque, occasionally bad-ass, frequently skirting the very edge (some might say crossing the line) of acceptable erotica, are usually at their heart, dedicated to the beauty of the female form rather than its betrayal. author site.)
THE PHOENIX PAGE - Stories written by Michael and Phoebe from Phinix Arizona. Yeah, their hot! (An Author Site)
PIXIE'S FREE EROTIC STORIES - A large collection of erotic stories of all categories. The archive has different sections broken down into reader interests. (Archive)
PLANET SEX STORIES - Welcome to Planet Sex Stories! This site is simply a collection of sex stories that I have collected over the years. I wrote none of these stories. I don’t have the literary talent to do so. I embarked on this project because most of the electronic format of erotic stories have been very dull — simple black text on with background — and uninteresting to read. (Archive)
POISON PEN'S DEADLY INK BLOTS - This site contains stories in which you will find depictions of violence and explicit sexual content. and sanity-shattering horrors from beyond time and space. And 800 foot women bent on seduction and destruction. And amorous werewolves. And evil enema-wielding nurses. And... well, you get the picture. It is not suitable for children. Or fundamentalist religious types. Or sane people. In fact maybe you better just leave right now before it's too late. Really. You have been warned. (An author site.)
PUEROS-ZELAMIR ARCHIVE - This collection includes stories about young boys (ages about 8/10 to 15/16) in slavery or comparable situations. I am collecting stories almost as long as I know these stories are on the internet, thus since about 1998-1999. My storyfolders include about 10,000 files. (Achive)
PUSSY FUCK STORIES - Hot girls in erotic sex action stories written by our own author, Dick Dicksin. He's a straight guy who absolutely adores curvy babes and what they do. He loves writing these stories for you, some from his experience, some from his imagination. Silk stockings, firm juicy tits, long shapely legs, lesbian, curvy tails and warm wet pussy are all topics he loves dipping into. Sometimes in these stories they fuck. Other times they masturbate. See if you can reach the end before you cum. (Author Site)
- Q -
QUIVERING FLESH Quivering Flesh (Q.F. for short) is the erotic pen name of a married couple. We are in our forties, formerly swingers (well, not so formerly, we just don't do it as much as we used to).
QUICKLESS STORIES I write thinking erotica. Story categories: Light no-sex works & romance as a rule, but I do tend to write pretty much everything. (An author site.)
- R -
RACHAEL ROSS EROTICA - Many of my stories deal with themes beyond the realm of "normal" masturbation fantasy. Some stories are true in their entirety; most have elements of truth in them. I write mainly from my own experiences, finding that to be the easiest and most satisfactory method. (A Favorite Author Site)
RACHAEL TAYLOR STORIES - Rachel Taylor is a pen-name. If you think you know me from high school or college, you're mistaken. Many readers ask whether my stories are true or merely fantasy. What's your feeling on this, having read the stories? (An Author Site)
RAPE PILLAGE AND PLUNDER - For Discriminating Adult Sadists and Masochists. This Site is Dedicated to Adorned who inspired me to create. These stories deal with rape and torture of a non-consenting nature, These are fantasy and not to be confused with reality or construed as an endorsement of the activities depicted. Some Stories contain underage Characters, Tales of Incest, Slavery, Abuse, Christianity and other unspeakable acts against nature. All have been gathered off the usenet except the still being created "Raping Trisha", which is an Alebeard original, enjoy.
REBECCA'S SUBMISSION PAGE - Sooner or later it will happen to all of us. A man or a woman will submit to another. Emotions run wild, our bodies change and experience new sensations. The whole world will seem different from that point on. Sometimes it is a wonderful and magical experience and sometimes it is scary and painful. I would like to capture these experiences for those who are thinking about or for those who would like a point of reference for studies or information. (An archive of submission experiences)
RIV YAVTRY'S STORIES - Welcome. I hope you enjoy reading the stories as much as I enjoyed writing them. (An author site.)
ROOTGARDEN.COM - The World Wide Web is like a theater company coming into town before the invention of the printing press: Each performance plays to the strengths of its actors, reflects the hopes, dreams, and sensibilities of its audiences, and the production changes. Its ideas blossom and grow, its feelings live and communicate, its consciousness breathes. An archive of erotic poems that are free.
RUN BETWEEN THE FIRES - This site hosts a selection of erotic stories written by the author. According to Jane's Sex Guide, they are well written. (An author site.)
- S -
SABRINA'S EROTICA - Another Copyrighted author, so read but don't sell. Sabrina is quite good, with a light airy writing style. (An author site.)
SAGITTARIA'S WEBSITE - I promised that when I had written enough stories, I'd create a website. So here it is and here they are. (An author site.)
SARA H - Welcome to my pages. Please join me in celebrating love between women. I've spent much of my adult writing time on EMC, or Erotic Mind Control. It's a genre whose stories and authors I've come to know and love, and I'm very glad to be a part of this misunderstood category of adult erotic fiction. (An author site.)
SATIN'S SHEETS - In case you've been here before and are wondering about the update. I'm no longer in search of my soulmate. I have found him and he is everything I was looking for and SO much more. He is my real life erotic fantasy dream-come-true. I might even include some of our real-life adventures within the confines of my new stories. You'll have to figure out what's real and what's fantasy. Or - maybe it won't matter. (An author site.)
SATYRICON AU GO-GO - The content of this site = "Homerotic Fan Fiction" fan, fiction, slash, homoerotic, TV, television, shows, cops, space, links, directory, Sentinel, Due South, Wild Wild West, Quantum Leap, Man From UNCLE, X Files, Private Eye, Forever Knight, Highlander, adult, UFO, Young Riders, Sharpe, and Sharps's Chosen Men, Methos, sex, Bond, 006.
SCARLET THE HARLET - I'm Scarlet, what more do you need to know? Which is more important to you and why: flexibility or expandability? Flexibility, so I can work my way through the Kama Sutra. (An Author Blog)
SENSUAL VENUS - The erotic women writers' home: Our aim is to offer women a place for their voice to be heard. We, girls, have our own vision of eroticism, our own phantasms. It doesn't mean that our vision is better or not than men's. No, it is just different.
SECRET GIRL - I am a twenty-eight year old female writer of both general and erotic fiction, as well as non-fiction writing in the offline world. I cut my teeth in freelance and academia, and have been a major contributor to a couple of books. I am also rather well-known in the fanfic world under another name. So, I'm not a new writer, by any means. But I'm still settling back into erotic writing after a break from it, and I'm new to the world of the A.S.S. hierarchy and its structures. Please forgive any faux pas - I'm still working out how it all works around here. So far, I'm feeling pretty welcomed and supported, which is really nice.
SELENA KITT EROTIC FICTION - This sassy, outrageous author lives with her family in the rural Midwest. Her writing embodies everything from the spicy to the scandalous, but watch out—this kitty also has sharp claws and her stories often include intriguing edges and twists that take readers to new, thought-provoking depths. (An author blog)
SERENDIPITY EROTICA - Hello and welcome to Serendipity. My name is Jennifer and this is my site. Through the years I have written a number of erotic stories. Each of these stories holds a part of my heart and soul within thier depths. With great pride, I present them to you.
SERENE CHERRY'S STORIES - Welcome to my erotic stories page. If any of you are new to my writing, it always revolves around lesbianism of course, which happens to be my sexual orientation as well. My stories are generally gentle and loving in nature but I like to try different tones with each new story. (Author Site)
SEXOTERIC BLOG - Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought him back. No saying what you'll find here, but generally speaking it will be sexual and erotic content meant for intelligent, openminded, adventurous and curious people.
SHAW, DAVID EROTICA - David write stories about life, sex and ranging from couples to high school hijinks. But what you can be sure of is that everyone is enjoying themselves. (An author site)
- An awesome collection of sorted short erotic stories.
- Welcome to our fiction showcase for both readers and authors of short stories. We have made this a place where you can come and read new short fiction in many fiction genres. Online for nearly two years, we currently are showcasing 859 stories.
SLUT WIVES BLOG - An archive of stories dedicated to those slutty wives we all hope we'll someday meet. (An archive)
SMALL WONDER - The author of the Ashley and Kandy series, touted as a "great read" by the members of the Kristen Board. (An author site)
SMOOTH TALES - Erotic stories of smooth shaven couples and women, engaged in erotic fantasies and foreplay. (An author site)
SODOM TALES - A small, but strangely complete archives about arse-fucking, buggery, butt-fucking, cornholing, anal, Greek, shit-stabbing, fudge-packing, rear-ending, bum-fucking, gut-ramming... The author's stories are there too. (Author site)
SOL OLIVER (AKA SOLOVN) THE COLLECTED WORKS OF - There aren't a lot of us out there who enjoy stories about futanari (also known as "dickgirls") that dominate men. As of a couple of years ago, almost no one was exploring this theme, so I decided I'd write my own. (Author site)
SOMA LITERARY REVIEW - Soma Literary Review. New voices from the South of Market community in San Francisco. Alternative fiction, counterculture stories, subculture journalism.
SPOONBENDER'S EROTIC EXCHANGE - I'm not sure how to classify this site. The author has written many stories but there is much more than that. You'll just have to take a look for yourself. Even though you'll have to log on, it dosen't cost anything to do so.
SPUNK'S PLACE - What you'll find at Spunk’s Place are stories by me, as well as, story favorites that I have received permission from other authors to post for you to enjoy. If you like the garden on your visit, you may decide to bookmark the site for return visits to watch the flowers grow and multiply keeping the ASSTR terms of visiting in mind. (Author site)
GREG STEVENSON - My twisted little brain will probably come up with some stuff that – while seeming tame to a lot of you perverts – will make other people go, “Dude, that’s just not right.” And yes, some of it is not right. That is why I write about it instead of doing it. (Author site)
STEVE'S WILD SIDE STORIES - "I've been called Chessie's Manager, Mr. Chessie Moore, Captain K.Y., Pervert Express and a Rotten S.O.B., but you can call me Big Daddy Steve. I've been Chessie's husband since long before she started in the porn biz and needless to say, I've seen some very wild things. This page covers my side of the story, you might say a behind the scenes look at the wild things Chessie has done and....hell, she's still doing them!" (An author site.)
STORIESONLINE.NET - This archive is interesting and well thought out. It has all the bells and whistles like search engines and author contact links. You'll like it. You have to sign up to get into the archive, but as far as we know there are no charges or gimmicks. (Archive)
STORY GUY'S WRITINGS - A collection of stories written by the author as well as guest author's works. (An author site.)
ALT.SEX.STORIES.REPOSITORY is the repository of and has over 60,000 erotic stories within multiple collections. This is what makes it all work. It's a must visit site, if you haven't been there before then you don't know what you're missing. (THE Archive)
SUBURBS.COM, THE - is a friendly online adult community featuring chatrooms, discussion boards, personals and adult directory. It also inclueds stories, links and more.
SUSY SUBERBANITE - The stories in the Mommy archive represent one of my most frequently recurring fantasies. While I am not active in any lifestyle (ala the BDSM crowd), I have developed a strong sense of what my "Mommy" would be like should I ever take the plunge. I hope you enjoy reading these tales as much as I did writing them.
SUNSHOWERGURL V2 - My stories are available as PDF files. I do not provide text files because I prefer that my stories be seen in proper typography and layout. (An author site.)
SWITCH BLAYDE V2 - Author of edgy, tense stories with a slightly bend sexual thrust, ranging all over the board, from blackmail to dominance and even a little sexy romance thrown in. (An author site.)
- T -
TABOO TALES FORUM - An archive of taboo tales begun as a Yahoo newsgroup. Then after their demise as a group switched to a web archive.
TALES FROM A TWISTED TWAT - A Twisted Little Deviant -
Appearance: Super Girl Type Outfit accesories dildo with attachments. Attire: Super Girl Outfit accesories dildo with attachments. Sexual preference: Bi. Powers: can bring forth the ultimate orgasm. (An Author site)
SARAH ANNE TALLEY - If you're into kink, then you'll just love Sarah's stories. They range from infant stories all the way up to slut rapes stories. A real imagination here. (An author site.)
TAMMAD'S EROTIC STORIES - A collection of the works of Tammad Rimilia, mostly dealing in bondage and domination. (An author site.)
RACHEL TAYLOR STORIES - Rachel Taylor is a pen-name. If you think you know me from high school or college, you're mistaken. Many readers ask whether these stories are true or merely fantasy. What's your feeling on this, having read the stories? (An author site.)
TELL YOUR SEX STORY - Welcome to our blog. Are you up to the challenge? What we are asking from you is to share your sexual experiences with us. That can be in the form of a story, pictures or both. A sort of sensual diary that we all share.
TERI MADISON'S STORY ARCHIVE - An archive of the author's works for your reading pleasure. (An Author Site.)
TESLA COIL, THE - In my journal I've started posting a new short-short five days a week. I've added a list of the best of them to the right side of this page, but the journal version will be updated much more promptly. (An Author Site.)
THINKER'S TALES - At this point, I'm a fledgling author. I do a bit of everything, so my work is not definable by genre. Pay attention to the story codes, if certain things squick you! I DO, however, attempt to insert a bit of romance, so if you're just looking for stroke, you might become impatient with me - but I DO get to the hot stuff, eventually. (An Author Site.)
THOMAS', A.G. EROTIC STORIES - A. G. Thomas gangbanging, groupsex, orgies, rapes, sex stories, erotic fiction, porno stories and first person tales of interracial sex, slut wives, nonconsensual forced sex, mind control and college virgins.
THOMAS G EROTIC FICTION - My tastes in erotic stories change like the seasons. I have enjoyed simple couple stories, some mild female dominance stories, some pedo, some incest. I don’t generally like all-out gay stories (male or female), but I do like when those boundaries are crossed like in group or cuckold stories where the man is encouraged to try another penis and of course the obligatory lesbian threesome or group encounters. (An author site.)
TITMOUSE, STORIES BY THE - Okay, I know, this is a lousy excuse for a web design, but it's really and truly my very first. With time, it should get better. Meanwhile, I've decided to join the 20th century just in time for the 21st. At least those of you who are FTP-challenged can see my stories this way. (An author site.)
TVM'S EROTIC STORIES ARCHIVE - This is one of the few places online, that is dedicated to the idea of young girls being attracted to and in love with other young girls, and that this is not only exceptable, but encouraged. The stories contained on this site are in part or wholely based on this premise, with some being overly erotic in nature and others being a simple love story, more about the feelings than the making love. I have written several stories and or series on this topic and as time passes many of these will become available on this site for your reading pleasure.
MAT TWASSEL UNDER THE BED - Story collection. Matt has authored many good erotic stories. To show-case his work he opened a web page posting his stories for you to enjoy. There are links and other things on Mat's page too. (An author site.)
- U -
UNFAITHFUL WIFE - First things first, this is me but I have changed a few things to protect myself and my family and friends. So on this web site my name is Paula Wilson and my husbands name in Charlie—wrong, but what they really are is my secret. I am a librarian and I do work in a city centre library but it’s moved cities and continents, a bit extreme, but I value my privacy. The rest, descriptions, relationships (I do have two sisters) are all true. If you want more details then follow this link. The events are real so as the TV program said ‘the names have been changed to protect the innocent’ - Despite that, infidelity can and does hurt people and I’d be a fool to pretend otherwise. Charlie knows about my habits and he doesn’t get his rocks off watching or with me telling him about what happened. We have tried to face the problem, whether we succeed can only be answered in the future. Read Confessions if you want to get a sense of what might happen. I have been a shit to him and continue to be so, just how he copes I’m not sure. He does, he welcomes me back to his bed and one day I’d love to have his kids. Confused? Well now you know how I feel.
UNSCATHED CORPSE - "UC" is open to curious, weird, sexiest, funny, crazy and interesting sites. (A blog)
STORIES BY URSA MAJOR - Stories written by Ursa Major. (An author site)
UTHER PENDRAGON STORIES - The Brennan Stories are about Bob and Jeanette Brennan. A third of my stories, about two thirds of the words, most of my reputation. "Games" are based on contests, jokes, challenges and interaction with other authors. "Marriage" are stories of married lust. (Other than the Brennan stories.) He wants her; she wants him. Isn't it convenient that they sleep in the same bed? Isn't it nice that each knows what the other particularly likes? There is an alphabetical Listing of stories which are presently available at my site. I've listed them in alphabetical order. (An author site)
- V -
VANESSA EVANS - Hi, in April 1998 I changed my life dramatically. I realised that I’d got into one hell of a boring rut and that I needed to do something about it. A chance look at a never been seen before magazine gave me the opportunity to do something about it. With a lot of courage I took the plunge and it turned out to be the best decision that I ever made. (An author site.)
VARGAS STORY ARCHIVE - Author profile: Small town Southern Hispanic who grew up loving words. I'm married but my wife can't have more children. (we have just one beautiful girl.) this may explain my fascination with pregnancy which figures in most of my stories.(A favorite author site.)
VINNIE TESLA - In my journal I've started posting a new short-short five days a week. I've added a list of the best of them to the right side of this page, but the journal version will be updated much more promptly. (An Author Site.)
VULGAR ARCHIVE - This is the Internet home of the stories of Vulgar Argot. (An author site.)
- W -
WADDIE GREYWOLF - All my stories are unabashed, unapologized-for love stories in the context of male/male bonding, BDSM, Master/slave relationships. I write about bikers, cowboys, country folks, and male sex in rural areas. Most all my stories contain an element of basic faith in a higher power. (An author site)
JENNY WANSHEL - Very well written coming of age stories from Jenny Wanshell's point of view. (A favorite author)
WARRIOR WOMEN EROTIC FANTASY FICTION - The stories are set in an imaginary world peopled by humans, elves, orcs and dwarves.
WARTHOG'S STORY PAGE - All of Warthog's collected works reside here. This author is well known in the Internet erotic writing circles. He specializes in Wife and gang-bang stories. All his work is excellent. (A favorite author)
ALISON WHITEHEAD - Alison was born in 1946 in the English Midlands and read physics at university despite pressure to do something more suitable for a female. She has done a variety of technical things in my career and now work in IT - back in the English Midlands. You can deduce her interests from the things she writes about. (An author site)
WICKED TEMPTATIONS - Original erotic stories featuring the sexy lingerie, sexy nylons and sexy costumes sold on our website! You won't find these exclusive erotic stories anywhere else on the web. Read about a product, then purchase it and act out the erotica at home! (Archive)
WINE MAKER'S STORIES - I love mysteries so I knew I had to write an erotic mystery. And it had to be romantic. That's just the kind of guy I am. (An author site)
WIFESEDUCER'S EROTIC STORIES - A selection of the author's works. (Author site)
WIFE WATCHER STORIES - A selection of the author's works. (Author site)
WONDERFUL WORLD OF BRADLEY STOKE - There are short stories as well as e-novels offered by this author on his personal website. (An author site)
WRITERS BLOCK - This page is dedicated to writing. Predominantly erotica for now, but I will not hesitate to put up other genre! If you have a story you would like to see here, send it to me! (An author site)
- X -
XENA FAN FICTION - Most of these stories contain situations of very discriptive f/f sex. (Archive site)
XENA STORIES - A very fine Xena Story Page, with both erotic and other types of Xena stories and information. Great Job.
XAVIER XXENON - Please feel free to bookmark this site, in order to return to these stories quicker. Enjoy the stories and feel free to email me about any of my stories, or if you have suggestions for types stories you would like to see on my site. I'm also a collector so if you have a story you would like posted on my collector site email it to me. (An Author Site)
- Y -
YELLORAYN STORIES - Yellorayn writes erotic stories. The author has posted several series on the web page for your reading pleasure. (An Author site.)
YEOWCH SPANKING STORIES - Actually, Yeowch Spanking is a blog, but there is a nice little story section with nothing but spanking stories in it. You can also submit your own spanking stories for posterior, err, posterity.
YLEE COYOTE'S DEN - The primary purpose of this site is to provide a library, an archive in modern parlance if you prefer, to store my stories in a public venue. There are a few stories written by other people which are related directly to my works and with their explicit permission, I have included them here. (An Author site.)
- Z -
ZARIA A SUBMISSIVE'S STORIES - Stories and poetry pertaining to the submissive lifestyle. (An Author site.)
ZOOPHILIA-STORY.INFO - A free archive of Bestiality porn stories.
ZUDUA'S PRIMAL STORIES - to write the type of erotica that I like to read, that is, writing that stimulates the mind on a more intellectual level as well as a primal one. It is my goal that the desire awakened transcends mere animal lust and inspires the reader to explore his or her sexuality on a level that only a thinking animal like humanity can. (An Author site.)
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