I work. I study. I play with the kids. I wash dishes. I fondle
Diana. I watch basketball. All the while, with a sense of urgency that
has completely possessed me, I write. I lay awake at night, blocking each
scene. I change cartriges in my fountain pen every other day. I read
furtively, stealing words and themes and tricks. I sit down each morning,
palms sweaty and tackle the hardest part - the first line. The rest just
pours out.
My appetite grows, as my ideas increase their emotional complexity.
I'm on fire. I'm a writer.
Malinov (malinov@mindless.com)
Power belongs to those who dare . . . Sapere Aude.
Last updated 03/21/03
This is a collection of short stories that Lord Malinov was kind
enough to share with me. If you can't tell by the space that I have
set aside for his works, then let me just say that, yes he is one of
my favorite authors! Kisses Kristen
A Cold Night
A man's cheating girlfriend sends him into depression. He lurks in the
darkness of the night and watches and his thoughts flow back to better
times. (A study in the human condition.)
A Matter of Pride
Kevin's imagined conversation with a pretty blonde.
A Poorly Written Essay
Mark writes a poorly worded essay that disappoints his teacher. He's
called in to her office after class to discuss the problem with his work.
A Slip of the Tongue
A short hike, some binoculars, a couple of buddy's and the wives in a
shower down the hill, set the scene for this voyeur story. And there truly
is -- "a slip of the tongue" in this story.
Astray Added 5/00
A girl feels unappreciated by her boyfriend, then over hears one of his
friends talking about her on the phone in glowing terms.
Sorry, but I had to use the first line of this story as the description.
You'll just have to read it to find out more. " I spent half my life,
waiting for this moment. Wondering if all my dreams could come true.
Allison smiled as she sat down across from me."
At Home
Husband takes the day off from work to lazy around with his beautiful wife.
There is a train; a kitchen and a Popsicle involved in this story of an
afternoon sexual encounter.
Bad Sex
Two strangers meet on a bus. They get to know each other "in the biblical
sense" during the ride down the highway during a summer afternoon.
Big Mouth (Added 02/11/2002)
Sometimes I speak without thinking. I guess we all do. Most of us, anyway.
A snapshot in the day of a poet's life as he buys flowers, and goes home
to his lover.
Two guys talking about their sexual conquests and how good they are at it.
Burning Letters
A jealous man makes his woman burn her old love letters. And she does...
sort of.
Christmas Present
A Christmas morning present for the woman he loves.
Conjuring Details
"The living scene of color and motion gave me strength. I bundled up my
books and without another thought, stepped outside. The first breath of
warm air lifted my spirits higher, and I started down toward the gardens
with some measure of excitement. The day sang with beauty, and I felt,
in a brief instant, like I was a part of the spectacle."
Crashing Waves
A weekend at the beach, young friends and a healthy sex drive makes
this story work well.
My eyes opened reluctantly. I tried to read the red glow of my clock.
Someone banged on the door, downstairs. "You bastard!" It sounded as if
the woman was hitting the door with a crowbar. I found my glasses and
winced as I realized what time it was. "Fucking asshole," she screamed.
I pulled on a pair of shorts and went to the window.
A man has a painting of his wife commissioned by an up and coming artist.
Its beauty, and the unique expression that the artist caught in her eye
captivate him. Captivation turns to suspicion when he sees the same look
on his beautiful wife's face as he's making love to her.
Equal Opportunity
An attorney is looking for a legal assistant, with little or no luck at
first. Then he finds one and falls under her spell and can't help but think
of her.
Eye Full
This story has a man, a waitress and someone changing cloths as the basic
plot. Oh, and someone really does get an "eye full" before the story is
Faint Praise
An entertainment critic gets special treatment from an ambitious young
woman who is climbing her way up as a singer.
Faster Than Light
Gossip spreads faster - Than light dares to travel - Words whispered sound -
Out louder than bells - The blush of exposure - Never quite fades.
Flagrante Delicto
The incident had been one of our local legends. Forty years ago, Joseph
Trent, a quiet serious fellow by all accounts, walked down Twenty Fourth
Avenue, the town's main business strip in those days, and stopped a fellow
named Randolph Courlain. According to witnesses, Trent looked Courlain in
the eye, pulled out an old revolver and shot Courlain through the heart.
The bullet went clean through the body and shattered the window of Migro's
Furniture Store.
A man is told that he better exercise or he'd be heading for serious health
problems. He starts running, less that enthusiastically. Then along comes
Wendy, and he finds that exercise can be fun.
Flashes of Pink
A day in the country for Lord Malinov and his Lady Diana.
The morning started slowly, pounding with regret. I opened my eyes to a
blaze of dull pain and moaned, my head throbbing as though it had been hit
with a hammer. Still in the blue jeans and shirt I had worn the night
before, I pulled myself out of bed and stumbled into the bathroom. My
prick bulged stiff with the need to take a piss.
Carolyn is having a bad day. Her job is giving her trouble, and the bastard
boyfriend can't make a commitment. But the sex is good.
Fringe Benefits
I saw Ellie Denby a half-dozen times before I realized who she was. I knew
her as Brad's sister, and that was seven years ago when Ellie was probably
fourteen, still just a girl. She was a different person back then. My vague
memories of her as a teenager bore only a superficial resemblance to the
here and present young woman.
A young couple decide to plant a vegetable garden, and work hard all day to
prepare the soil. As dusk settles over them, there's only one thing left to
"I'll be keeping an eye on you," William told Caroline as they stopped at
the yawning threshold of the house. Pausing deliberately, the young
socialite waited on the front step while she anxiously drank in her first
visions of the night's party.
Two young actors playing a love scene in a play are encouraged to improvise.
A bittersweet coupling between two people there only for sexual
gratification. Could there be something more?
A young woman, almost a girl, slowly peered into my well lit cave.
Kathryn takes her drunk boyfriend home only to find he has a house guest.
He's a hunk, and he's asleep on the couch. And he really should cover
himself up better...
Love and War
This story is about a conversation between two buddies, about the war
between the sexes.
Terri goes to leave a note on her colleges desk when she sees a letter that
changes everything.
Midnight Snack
A couple is almost caught in the kitchen, "having a midnight snack".
Miss Added 5/00
The best peek I ever stole happened one night when I was up late partying
with my friend Alex, smoking in his bedroom and talking bullshit.
Mistaken Identity
A man pretends to be a rock star, and gets more than his due.
Kristen; Eli seems to be distracted, so I'll send it again - I wrote it for
you, so it seems only right to deliver it personally. Thanks for the
inspiration. Stories have been pouring out of me, so I can use all the
starting points I can find. - Malinov (This story is also available in
the Illustrated Stories Archive.)
Just after Andrea and I arrived, I had been sitting on the couch with
Nancy's husband, Will, watching the game when Nancy bent over to reach
a packet of photos, lifting her thin cream skirt just enough to persuade
me that this timid sweet friend of ours had come out to play.
My love life is notorious. I've never been shy about my sexual experiences.
I like to share the things I've known, found or discovered. I get off on
the idea that people talk about me, in their bedrooms, telling tales to get
each other off, imagining they'd dare do the things that I've done. I would
see the world a sexier place.
Old Road
You can't go home again... or can you? Evan takes a trip down memory lane.
On A Long Dirve
A guy talks his girlfriend into flashing her tit's as they travel down the
Once More
An old flame shows up unexpectedly... or should we say expectantly?
On the Horns
An old flame shows up unexpectedly... or should we say expectantly?
An artist paints and repaints the same woman's picture. And he can't
remember her, not anything.
Three men sitting on a park bench comment on the women passing by on the
walk in front of the. (This is a favorite one of mine. Kristen)
Playing the Fool
Crouched in a closet for two hours, I had plenty of time to think about what
I was doing. The initial excitement of sneaking into the house by the back
way, being led upstairs by Walters, the quick sizzle of anticipated
pleasures as I paused for a moment to stare at a portrait of the lovely
Misses Walters on the wall of the ascending staircase, that first wave of
surreptitious thrill quickly wore off as I knelt within the stale curtain
of Walters' fine wool trousers.
Two women watch a video of "Rick" jacking off, while he watches a video of
one of them naked. A lively discussion about Rick's masturbation technique
Rock Me Amadeus
Stephen gets beaten up defending his girlfriends honor, and becomes the
object of her attention when she finally gets him home.
A well written short story about -- "What goes around, comes around." Only
this time it's sex, and the consequences of doing it, with people you
shouldn't in places that you shouldn't.
I had no need to fall in love. I only surrendered reluctantly, while
inevitably, to the gravitational pull. Once there, we tore through each
other's lives like a whirlwind, embracing our rapture with reckless abandon,
forgetting everything and everyone but the delights we discovered in
sharing our time, our hearts and our pleasures.
A conversation between a sun bathing couple turns to things sexual.
Satin to Satin
A story revolving around a pair of satin panties unexpectedly found.
Jewelry figures into this story as Karen's expectations rise to an almost
unbearable level, as she awaits a token of her lover's esteem.
The sex was incredible, but he felt that they needed to get to know each
other better. "There had to be more that just sex in a relationship," he
thought. After nagging her into telling him about her life, he finds that
their relationship has changes.
On the Occasion of our Eighth Wedding Anniversary, June 23, 1998.
A guy gets a really special birthday presents from his girlfriend. This
story is a voyeur's dream come true.
Laura is shopping for clothes and decides to try on some pants. You would
never believe what happens in the dressing room.
Sky Riding
A beautiful woman named Sky seduces two men. Used abused and amused.
"Would a threesome excite you?" Debbie asked me as she entered the family
room. My wife spoke calmly, almost disinterestedly, as though my thoughts
on having group sex were of some academic concern to her.
The magnificent Lord Malinov wrote this one for me, I'm proud. The story is
a bittersweet one with snow falling, and sad people fleshing out a short
Taking a Bow
Kelly's been cheating on her husband and receives a letter from a man whose
been peeping through her window from across the way.
Telling Tales
A couple, reunited talk about their time apart, that have sex and talk of
other things.
The Conspiracy
It was a Thursday night when Jenny called me up and asked me to come over.
I could tell by the intensity in her voice that something was up. Jennifer
didn't disappoint me. That's part of what I like about her. She always has
something going on.
The Deal
The deal, as proposed, seemed likely to touch upon my interests. Easton,
who was fielding the offer, had the courtesy to invite me to attend the
negotiations in Dresden. Canard Inc. sent a team led by a young hotshot,
Paula Hart. She touched upon my interests, as well.
The Poetry Reading
This is another story that Lord Malinov wrote with me in mind, it's about
"him" myself and my friend Kim. Those days were wonderful, and I miss them.
(Wistful sigh.)
The Romantic
A young woman meets her idol and risks her everyday relationships on a mad
"groupie style" fling with him.
Trap Door
I'm standing in Shelley's apartment holding a blue file folder over my
stomach, cautiously stealing glances of the creamy spots of flesh between
the thick folds of her robe, aware that Shelley was watching me try not to
ogle her, and also aware that her dark eyes had a sultry gleam.
A Trashier Diversion
David L said something like . . . trashy = good. "A Poorly Written Essay"
(Another Bit of Improvisational Trash)
"Do you believe in unicorns?" she asked. I looked over, saw her smile, her
heavy breasts, a flash of white panty between her lean thighs. "Not
really," I said. . .
"You're feeling frisky tonight," Vicky said. I lifted her nightie and licked
her nipple, delighting in the slow metamorphosis as the pale ring of flesh
grew thick and dark under my tongue. I love Vicky's nipples. I wrapped my
lips around the stiffness and sucked gently, squeezing her soft tit below.
Visitation Added 3/03
A rapping on my chamber door roused me from my dull
dreams, and wiping the drool from my cheek, I stood up,
slightly confused. The sound of knocking struck again. I
checked my watch. Eleven was on the wane. I pulled aside
the curtain that covered our apartment's sliding glass
A woman raised her hand to strike the glass again. The
weary frustration in her eyes hit me at once. I twisted
the latch and pushed the heavy door along the aluminum
track. Her waxen cheek blushed tenderly as she looked at
Visual Feast
Would you like to attend a party where the entertainment is watching couples
on video having sex? And those couples are guests at that party who have
retired to the bedroom, or should I say the "Camera Room?" How would you
react when your turn came around, and you and your date were asked to
A man receives a single rose from a mysterious admirer. The story revolves
around this one act, and turns into a character study of fidelity.
Prose written just for me! There is an illustrated version over in the
illustrated archive if you're interested.
Five years before, I had an affair. Ashamed of myself, I have tried to
forget the episode, a lesson learned hard, a bullet dodged, an ugly
nightmare which has faded slowly through each waking hour I have endured
since the day the woman, April, told me goodbye. I have kept my sins
silent, believing that was best.
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