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(mf-teens, youths, 1st) *** His legs cramped from squatting, Simon stood up from gazing into the tidal pool. He straightened, stretched, and ran his fingers through his sandy brown hair. The sea breeze was cool and salty on his face and the sun was pleasantly warm, not unbearably hot, but enough for an excuse to wear shorts and short sleeves. It didn't matter here anyhow; no one could see him. Simon was no stranger to this stretch of coast of the Virgin Islands. His family had a summer home not far from here, shared with the family of a friend and partner of his father's. Since he was a young boy he had spent endless days exploring the area with Mariana, the daughter of his father's friend. They knew all the secluded coves and hidden beaches others didn't, and enjoyed calling places like these 'theirs.' Today Simon had slipped away from everyone else, even Mariana, to get away on his own for a while. Long ago he had established this place as his favorite spot in all the world. Sheltered on one side by a rocky cliff jutting out into the sea, and on the other by impenetrable jungle, it was accessible only by way of a tiny trail, the entrance of which Simon had concealed with ferns. Even Mariana didn't know about it. Though recently he had considered sharing it with her. They were childhood friends since before they could clearly remember; he would soon be sixteen and she fifteen. Over the years he ha d watched her leave girlhood and slowly become a young lady. Now with each passing day she seemed to grow more beautiful. On this holiday in particular he could not keep his mind or eyes off her, and was feeling very new, very strange sensations in both mind and body. It was part of his reason for coming here today. After a week around Mariana, he couldn't stand it anymore. Making sure his discarded shoes and socks were in no danger of being claimed by a wave, Simon venture out into the water. It was warm and crystal clear here in the cove, and he could see straight to the bottom just as well as in the tidal pool, though the cove was twice as deep. Farther out toward the open ocean waves crashed against dark rocks in faming, booming displays of power. But close to shore the water swelled in and out a difference of only a few feet, and the waves were reduced to ripples barely reaching his knees. He let the slight undertow pull at his feet for a few minutes, gazing out across the cove. The water was so shockingly crystal clear that he could see the bottom no matter where he looked. He couldn't always distinguish details as the ripples and motion on the surface blurred them, but the colors were vividly present, making it seem as though the water itself was white, green, black, brown, blue, and pink all at once, just as the sand and coral beneath it, and when the sun shone on it the surface danced with ribbons of gold. The rocks protecting the mouth of the cove rose like immoveable sentries, brown and nearly black with age and weather, and starkly white in patches where barnacles clung to their sides. The sea surged against the rocks; the mighty explosions of the waves cast fans of spray high into the air, droplets sparkling like bits of glass. Simon took a deep breath of the warm sea air and turned back to the tidal pool. Its surface was smooth and he could see straight to the bottom three feet down. A tiny school of fluorescently purple fish darted this way and that searching for a way out the wouldn't be found until high tide in a few hours. But the creature that caught Simon's greater interest was a pale yellow sea star crawling along the sand at the bottom of the pool. His hand shattering the crystal water he reached down for the animal. His arm wasn't nearly long enough to touch it, and he withdrew from the pool, sending the surface shivering with ripples. Though confident he was alone he looked around to make sure before shedding his shirt. Now it was safe to get wet; he took a breath and plunged his arm again under the water, his head and chest following before his fingers closed around the sea star. Paying no mind to its arms grasping his hand he burst back through the surface and shook his head like a dog to clear the water from his eyes. He sat back on the sand and examined the creature blindly struggling to escape him. It was then that he became aware of being watched. Looking up sharply he found himself staring at Mariana's slightly freckled face peering at him from behind a tree, grinning with boyish amusement. The sea star dropped from Simon's hands back into the tidal pool as he bolted for his shirt. He felt his face turn hot and red at this awful embarrassment. It was unthinkable for a girl to see him shirtless, even though the thought of such an encounter with Mariana gave him pleasant chills. He dove into his shirt and it wasn't on properly, but at least he had made the effort to make himself decent. When his head was through his shirt he saw Mariana had left the cover of the foliage and was coming toward his giggling playfully, her chestnut hair and summer dress fluttering in the sea breeze. He felt his face flush again just from looking at her. She called, "I thought I might find you hiding in one of your little secret places. What are you doing all the way out here by yourself?" "I-I thought I was alone," he stammered. It was all he could manage to say. Mariana's face fell. "Do you want to be alone, then?" Simon realized his mistake. "No! No, I just meant, about my shirt and all... I thought I was alone..." She laughed. "It's all right. I understand; I was the one spying on you, remember?" He frowned. "How did you find this place anyway?" She shrugged. "I saw you disappearing into the woods and I followed you. It gave me an excuse to get away from Mother - both our mothers, at that. Don't take this the wrong way, but your mum's constant questions drive me insane!" He laughed. "I know how you feel." "And besides," she continued, "You've known me forever. Did you really think I'd pass up a chance to go exploring?" He smiled, remembering the many summers as children spent hunting imaginary game in the dark jungles of their mothers' gardens, or trekking down the shoreline just out of sight of the house, and feeling a hundred miles away. How silly it seemed now that the dimensions of the world were in proper proportion in his mind. But more important now was the girl standing before him. As all the world had been to him as a small child, so she was to him now, new and thrillingly unknown, something wonderful to be explored. "What are you thinking?" There was amusement in her voice. "What?" he asked, only now realizing he had been staring blankly at nothing. "Oh. Nothing really. Just about being a kid, you know?" "We still are kids," she said. "Well, in a sense, I guess," he said, "I mean young kids. When we were small." She smiled, reminiscing. "Don't you wish we could go back to that age? Back when everything was new and exciting?" He looked at her in sudden seriousness. "Not really." "Why not? Remember how much fun we had?" "We can have fun now too. Only it can be better because we're half grown-ups now. We can do things we never dreamed of as kids." "What do you mean?" He was saying words without listening to himself, trying to suggest a rush of vivid, forbidden ideas without directly speaking of them. "Just, you know, all that we couldn't do then. My dad says we're reaching a new step in life. I don't know exactly what he means by it, but I know that I feel different sometimes. I mean..." His great monologue was quickly breaking down. Mariana's expression was getting more and more incredulous as he babbled on, lacking the understanding to express his feelings. "What are you talking about?" she demanded, "How do you feel different?" He felt strange now, lightheaded and aggressive at the same time. "There's just something here - inside - that was never there before. And... and I like it. It feels good. Like getting excited as a kid, only a different kind of excitement. An emotion that... that takes over your whole mind, and your whole body, and you can't think of anything else, and it's torture. But I still like it." He finished, realizing he was on his feet and breathing hard. He felt the prickle of sweat breaking out across his forehead and a chill ran down his spine. He stared at Mariana. Her expression had changed as he spouted his last words. She was looking at the ground, her face turning slightly red. Simon felt humiliated now. "I'm sure you think I've lost it, don't you?" Mariana turned her face toward him and her voice quavered when she spoke. "If you have lost your head," she began, glancing over her shoulder, "Then we both have." He understood her deep down, but his mix of shock and relief didn't let him comprehend her words. "What do you mean? Do you know what I was talking about?" "I know. Exactly what you meant, I know," she said, "I feel it too." "What does it mean?" he demanded, "Does it have a name?" "I think so. Yes, it does. But Mother won't talk to me about it. She says I'm still too young." "How can you be too young if you're feeling it now?" "I don't know, I don't know!" she cried, "But it must be bad. Anything Mother won't tell me about has to be bad." "How can it be bad if it feels so good?" "I don't know!" she said helplessly, "I don't understand it. When it comes over me it tells me I need to do something. But I don't know what to do. Do you?" "No," he said, "But I know it gets worse... I mean, better... I mean... it gets better and worse at the same time... when I'm around you." She stared at him. He asked, "Is there someone who makes it worse... better... better-worse...for you?" She nodded slowly and whispered, "You." They blinked at each other, dying in the agony of trying to understand. Finally he said, "What does it mean? What are we supposed to do?" Their eyes locked, and Mariana whispered, "Touch me." Ponderously Simon reached out and gripped Mariana's arm. Her breath fluttered, and something told him not to be so firm. He relaxed his finger and let his hand slide up and down her arm. Her other hand covered his and guided him up her arm to her shoulder. Her heart was pounding and his mind was racing; these were regions of a girl's body forbidden to all except herself. But in the next second she pushed his hand across her shoulder close to her neck. She gave him only a moment to enjoy her smooth skin beneath his finger before he hand cupped her firm, supple breast. As if an electric current had jolted through them they leapt away from each other, stumbling backward but never breaking their locked gazes. A long silent moment passed before Simon breathed, "That's it, isn't it? Could you feel it?" "Taking control of me," she finished, "Yes! You?" "I think so," he said, "Yes." "Then this is it? This is what we're supposed to do?" Of course we're not supposed to," he said, "That's why the grown-ups won't tell us about it. They don't want us to know so we won't do it." "But we know now," she reasoned, "We discovered it, so we have the right to do it. Like you said, we're half grown-ups ourselves, and our bodies are telling us to do it, so why not?" He smiled in understanding. She continued, "We're alone? No one knows about this place?" "Just me. And you of course." "All right then." And then her sundress was in a ball at her feet and was stepping out of it, at the same time flinging away her underskirt, which was picked up by an unusually long swell from the cove. "Oh!" she cried and chased the retreating water, naked as the day she was born. When she caught up to the soaked undergarment she was waist deep in the cove. She squeezed the water out of it and started to wade back to shore, but Simon was suddenly standing before her, his shirt once again gone along with his trousers; he stood only in gray shorts. He looked at her with examining eyes, taking in every lush new sight her body had to offer. There was a rock rising a few inches out of the water just to her left, and she tossed her underskirt onto it rather than take it all the way back to the sand. She cocked her head slightly and the tips of her long hair touched the waters' surface. "Well? What now?" She couldn't help but notice a rise beneath his shorts. Mother had only once pointed out such a phenomenon, and had sternly told her to avoid it at all costs. "If a fellow ever approaches you, and you see that underneath his trousers," Mother had warned, "You scream and you run. Do you understand?" But Mariana had no desire to scream and run now. Quite the opposite; she felt drawn towards Simon at the sight, and took a watery step forward. Simon's eyes drifted down to watch Mariana's waist gliding toward him across the water. He moved to meet her and somehow automatically his arms slid around her. His shorts, a moment before giving him confidence to enter the water, now seemed horribly restraining. He reached down and pushed them off his waist so they sank, waterlogged, around his ankles. He stepped out of them and let the undertow carry them away. Now their bodies pressed against each other. Simon's heart hammered in his chest as Mariana's breasts touched his chest. He wanted to feel her again, and cupped both her breasts, one in each hand. She took a sharp breath as if surprised, but didn't try to stop him. As his hands drifted up her chest, over her shoulders, and along all the curves of her back and hips, he felt his erection throb. His dad had told him only briefly what an erection was, but in strictly scientific terms of blood pressure and such, and had added that it was something no one should ever see. But he wanted Mariana to see it. He wanted Mariana to touch it. He wanted to touch Mariana with it. Something told him that was what it was for. Just as his touching her had awakened something more in him, so had it in her. She pressed tightly against him and moaned a little. It was time to do what their bodies were telling them to do. But they couldn't in the water. A rock, wide and flat like a table, sat just out of the water several yards out. He took her hands and led her toward it. She understood and they swam out to the rock. When they had pulled themselves up Simon looked back to the shore. They had come a long way out into the cove, longer than he had perceived. They were also much closer to the fantastic crashing at the mouth of the cove than he had thought they would be. This seemed a perfect place to do what they were going to do. It was far from the grown-ups and their rules, and close to the wild freedom held in the booming of the waves on the great rocks. So they lay down on their low island, he above her, and wondered how to begin. "Do you have the feeling?" he asked. She found she couldn't speak, and nodded faintly. "Where is it for you?" She slid a hand between her legs and touched where the feeling was most intense. He understood. Everything matched now. He pulled her hand away from the place and lay down on her in just the right position. Then he did the only thing left to do, followed the feeling and the instinct. Yes, there was instinct now. No matter how frequent or fervent the grown-ups cautions and warnings were, instinct couldn't be unlearned or erased any more than the waves at the cove mouth could roll the rocks that stood against them. Simon and Mariana lapsed into a strange dance, pushing and pulling against and away from each other, but always remaining connected. Suddenly she let out a cry and clutched her abdomen. "Is it supposed to hurt?" "I don't know. Did I hurt you?" "Yes. But it felt like it was supposed to happen. The feeling is deeper in me now, and it feels better than before." "Do you want to stop?" "No." And she let her head fall back against the rock and closed her eyes, and the dance began again. It went on for a long time. The feeling seemed to get more and more intense for Simon, and though they didn't speak he could tell it was the same for Mariana; she began to moan and her movements were more heated than before. Suddenly he reached a kind of climactic cliff and leapt over it; he knew he couldn't stop even if he had wanted to, and he didn't want to. Everything happened faster and harder and the world spun then disappeared. When sensation came back he heard Mariana crying out again, but in pleasure rather than pain. Whatever was supposed to happen had happened, and bit by bit the feeling was fading with the setting sun. Simon and Mariana stood on the sand, gazing across the cove, golden and pink and red reflecting the sunset. Their clothes were wet and sandy, and Simon was particularly uncomfortable without his shorts. He looked at Mariana and thought about kissing her, but kissing was mostly for grown-ups. Maybe he would kiss her next time. After all, they were half grown-ups, so kissing might not be all that strange. He didn't know. They were both too tired to think about it. She asked wearily, "Should we tell our parents?" "No," he answered, "I don't think they'd like it." "Should we tell anyone then?" "No. No one." They listened to the sounds of the water. He asked, "Did you like it?" "It was amazing," she breathed, "It was what the feeling wanted us to do." "Because the feeling's gone now." "Yes. For now." But a new feeling had taken its place. They shared a connection now that had not existed before. It was stronger, more than simple friendship. More like love. "Should we be getting back?" "No," he said, "Wait until we dry off. Besides, the sunset is nice tonight, especially here." "Yes," she said, pressing closer against his side and taking his hand, "This is a beautiful place." They stood together watching the colors shift and dance on the water, and listening to the sound of the waves crashing against the rocks. END ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ This story was written as an adult fantasy. The author does not condone the described behavior in real life. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Kristen's collection - Directory 51