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Miss Flynn was the talk of the town, not just because of her avowed lesbianism, but also because of her striking appearance. (FF, adult/teen) *** Anna Cathcart was bored. The pretty blonde student was top of her class, and on top of her game in sports. Her single-mindedness and determination were the reasons for her success, and for her ennui. she needed new worlds to conquer. The nineteen-year-old hated to leave anything undone. With her schoolwork complete and books read, and a rare night off from her job at Willow Lake's most fashionable ice-cream store, Anna ought to have been able to relax and unwind for an evening. Instead, she found herself prowling the house restlessly, to the distraction of her mother. "Dear, why don't you take in a movie? Stevie might be free tonight," Amanda Cathcart suggested. "Good idea, Mom. I'm out," Anna declared. She pulled her cellular telephone from the pocket of her windbreaker as she shrugged it on. There was no reply at her boyfriend's number, so she hung up. As she continued down the street towards his house, she recalled the town library was on the way. Thinking about the library made Anna recall the gossip about the librarian. Miss Flynn was the talk of the town, not just because of her avowed lesbianism, but also because of her striking appearance. A statuesque five-foot ten, she had a curvaceous figure and a bust line that was quite the envy and desire of everyone in Willow Lake. On a sudden whim, the pretty girl decided to see what Miss Flynn was wearing that day. It sure beat television, Anna thought to herself wryly. The lights of the Willow Lake Library beckoned in the dusky twilight. As the young coed approached, she could see through the windows that the library was quite deserted except for two figures by the front desk. As she neared, she noticed with mounting excitement that they were locked in a passionate kiss! Anna crept towards the window. As she did, she trod a dead branch underfoot, making a loud snap. The sudden noise made the couple break their embrace. The moment was lost. Without a word, Miss Flynn's visitor abruptly left by the back door. The teenager was disappointed not to have seen who it was. She heard a car drive away from the other side of the library. Sighing, she entered from the front. "Evening, Miss Flynn," Anna greeted the librarian. "Why, hello, Anna!" Jessica Flynn greeted the nineteen year old warmly, flashing dazzling white teeth in a perfect smile. The buxom redhead noted the ponytailed blonde's bluejeaned bare midriff look under the windbreaker with approval. Yummy, she thought to herself. "I'm just going to browse in the back for a while, Miss Flynn." "Go right ahead, honey. You've still got an hour and it looks like a slow night here." "Thanks." As Anna paced up and down the stacks, she mentally compared her own trim 100 pound, five foot frame against the majestic librarian's. While Anna's 34 - 22 - 32 gave her no trouble with the boys, she was intrigued by Miss Flynn's 38D - 24 - 36 (if she was any judge). Her agile mind treated this like a homework assignment. With new purpose, she rapidly went through the shelves. She selected Lolita, Emmanuelle, and Fear of Flying. Anna carried them to the front desk and waited. Jessica raised an eyebrow at the girl's choices. "Pretty hot stuff you've got there, young lady. Sure you can handle that?" she teased. Anna met her gaze evenly. "Sure, Miss Flynn. Maybe more," she replied boldly. Jessica gave Anna an amused grin. She wasn't the first youngster to flirt with her, and the pert blonde coed was a welcome change from the frat boys who dreamt of being the ones to convert Jessica. She said nothing as she continued to check out Anna's selection. On a sudden impulse, Anna leant over on tiptoes from her side of the desk and planted a kiss on the surprised woman's wide mouth. Resting her forearms on the taller redhead's shoulders, she eagerly thrust her hot pink tongue through those lush full lips, eyes closed. None of the other kids had ever done that before! Jessica automatically pulled back. "Why, Miss Cathcart!" she said softly. "What do you think you're doing?" Face flushed, heart racing, Anna breathlessly regarded Jessica in surprise. What had brought that on? "Kissing you," she replied shyly. She suddenly felt like a child caught with its hand in the cookie jar. It was shameful... and delectably thrilling! "I-I'm very flattered. Really," began Jessica. "Oh, please, Miss Flynn. Don't say 'no," begged Anna. Something in the girl's earnest manner touched Jessica. "But what is it you want, Anna?" Jessica asked. Anna looked deeply into the older woman's eyes, searchingly. "You know what I want," she said quietly. Jessica swallowed, hard. This was a complication she hadn't expected. "Oh, Sweetie," Jessica said. "Honey, are you sure you want to do this?" The pretty teenager nodded silently, wide-eyed. The buxom redhead glanced at her watch. Still forty minutes to go. "Well," she remarked brightly. "What do you know? Time to close up! Get your things, honey. We're going to take a little walk." She closed up, the younger girl wordlessly following her like a puppy. Clutching her books with her right hand, she shyly reached for Jessica's with her left. The librarian smiled broadly, lifted it to her lips and kissed its back softly, and held it. Hand in hand, they walked the empty three blocks to Jessica's darkened house. When they arrived, Jessica bade Anna make herself comfortable. The teenager slipped off her windbreaker and impulsively her shoes as well. Jessica noted the naked feet appreciatively. She had no foot fetish of which she was aware, but something about those tanned little dainties appealed to her... "Well, I saving these for a special occasion later this week, but I think this is a lot more special." Jessica said from the kitchen. She drew a pair of live lobsters from the bottom compartment of her fridge. "These look all right to you, baby?" Anna nodded vigorously. The young girl had never seen a lobster before, and had no idea what she was agreeing to. Jessica put water on the boil and melted butter. Slicing lemons and opening champagne, she casually asked Anna to go upstairs and draw a bath. The eager blonde scampered to comply. She carefully measured out lavender bath salts into the hot water filling the sunken tub. The tub filled, Anna stepped into the hall. She was met by the smiling Jessica, who was bearing a silver tray with the lobsters, two flutes of champagne, grapes and cheese. "Dinner's served, Anna," the redhead announced. She led the young blonde into her boudoir. Anna absorbed the feminine bedroom with rapt attention. If Jessica was a lesbian, she was certainly one of the "lipstick" variety. Frills and lace were in evidence everywhere, with ribbons and bows adorning the full-wall mirror facing the bed. Jessica set the tray down. "Come here, honey," the older woman beckoned. "Let's get acquainted!" Anna drifted over to Jessica's side, as if in a dream. Again, she closed her eyes in anticipation. This time, it was the redhead's turn to kiss Anna. Slowly, tenderly, the older woman nuzzled the girl's face and throat with her nose. She drank in the fresh scent of the young blond, who squirmed despite herself. Jessica caressed the fine blonde hair, running her fingers through it while planting little kisses along Anna's throat. She toyed with a shell-like ear, kissing the shut eyelids over and over. Anna's head swam. Never had she imagined such pleasure, such divine attention lavished on herself. She felt vibrantly alive for the first time, and yearned for more sensations. Jessica was only too happy to oblige her avid pupil. She finally placed her mouth gently on the blonde's pouting lips. Anna eagerly opened wide, and tried to suck Jessica's tongue in her hot mouth. "Not so fast, Anna." Jessica chided. "I like it soft." The teenager flushed with embarrassment clear to the roots. She immediately changed tactics, letting the older woman guide her. "That's better," Jessica breathed in her ear. "Feel that?" Anna could only nod, eyes still tightly screwed shut. "We've got all night, love. Let's eat. You must be famished. I know I'm ravenous." For the next twenty minutes, Jessica patiently showed Anna how to take apart a lobster, and to dip it in the drawn butter. For Anna, it was the height of sophistication, sipping champagne and eating grapes with the older woman. She felt electric with excitement, and still thirsted for more sensations. When they had done with eating, Jessica led Anna to the bath. They removed each other's clothing in silence, savoring the rustle of cloth against pliant flesh. Jessica delicately ran her hands over the teenager's bronzed body, with its soft curves and nascent muscles. Anna felt a little disappointment when Jessica revealed quite ordinary flowered cotton underwear. "What was I expecting," she scolded herself, "'Lesbian' leather and spike see-through undies?" Jessica, on the other hand, marveled at the firmness of Anna's breasts that enabled her to go braless. The young blonde took a sharp intake of breath when Jessica removed her bra. The fine tracery of veins under the translucent milky skin, the dusting of freckles, the muskiness of the older woman's perfume sent her head reeling. Anna moaned involuntarily. The redhead led her young charge to the bath and helped her in. For what seemed an eternity, they soaped each other, and kissed, and touched, and rubbed. Anna thought she would die from joy. Her head abuzz with excitement, Anna felt ready for anything. Once again, she was thrilled beyond expectation when the older woman delicately washed out her pussy and asshole, all the while kissing her deeply. Never before had she felt this way, and she wanted still more! Anna was not to be disappointed. Jessica directed her newfound lover to get out of the bath. They toweled each other playfully for a few minutes, then returned to the bedroom. Jessica led the girl to her pink-and-white bed. Eyes like saucers, Anna watched her mentor with love and admiration, as she sat on the canopied king-sized. She could only wonder how the older woman had come to learn so much of lovemaking. She pleaded herself to mastering this new art! The redhead eased the girl gently on her back. She tenderly raised one leg over her shoulder, and began to delve into the teenager's sweet moistness with a delicate finger. Anna couldn't stop herself from squeezing tightly around that delicious intruder, rhythmically raising and lowering her hips. In the silence, Jessica drank in the increasing tempo of the younger girl's breathing. She taught her the intricacies of the clitoris, the G-Spot, teasing the outer folds and penetrating the sopping vagina. She licked at Anna's asshole until the blonde was in a near frenzy. Finally, with both legs draped over her back, the kneeling woman clenched the throbbing clit between her teeth while pumping three fingers in and out of the blonde girl's hot, drooling twat. Anna's entire body stiffened. She felt her climax coming, and under Jessica's direction held it and held it until the waves of orgasm quite overcame her. It began as a trembling between her legs. Sensing the impending climax, Jessica switched positions. Her hand still working the writhing girls steaming wet sex, she rose just in time to plant her mouth on Anna's. Eyes glazed, Anna automatically responded to the kiss by sucking and sucking on the older woman's torrid, questing tongue. This time, Jessica did not protest, instead reveling in Anna's abandon. The throaty animal moans coming from the blonde's throat were heavenly music to her ears. "Oh, oh," gasped Anna. "That was... that was..." Jessica stilled her with a soft kiss. "Lots more to come, honey," the redhead promised. "Let's see if I taught you anything!" Jessica left the bedside for a moment. Returning, she lifted Anna higher on the bed, noting with satisfaction the blonde's torso was slippery with perspiration. She turned, kneeling on all fours over Anna's body. Instinctively, the teenager dove into the older woman's pussy, trying to emulate what the redhead had just done. Meantime, Jessica was anointing her fingers with the drawn butter. As Anna worked her clit and pussy with unforeseen talents, Jessica shocked her by inserting her thumb up the blonde's tight ass! Anna gave a little scream. She couldn't believe what was happening. Redoubling her efforts, she was rewarded with a little "mmmph!" of surprise and a little shudder from Jessica. Tentatively, Anna touched her tongue to Jessica's puckered brown asshole. Now it was the older woman's turn to gasp in surprise with the teenager's boldness. Soon, both were worrying each other's pussies and clits with mad intensity. Feverishly, each worked the oozing sex of the other with increasing fury. Finally, each with tongue and fingers managed to bring the other to enormous satisfaction. Both cried out at the same moment, cumming for what seemed hours. Anna tried again to express her feelings. "Miss Flynn," she quavered unsteadily. "Shhh, shh," answered the older woman. "You can call me 'Jessica'!" END More stories by this author: http://www.asstr.org/files/Authors/lotuseater/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * It's okay to *READ* stories about unprotected sex with others outside a monogamous relationship. But it isn't okay to *HAVE* unprotected sex with people other than a trusted partner. 4-million people around the world contract HIV every year. You only have one body per lifetime, so take good care of it! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Kristen's collection - Directory 70